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The essence that propelled mankind forward.

The core of all magic and arcane of the world.

The mana of the human race.

Those born with it became Casters, capable of wielding magic shaped according to their will and desires.

Not many understand or know of it's origins, but none can deny the changes and revolution it has brought upon the world.

From the creation of clans specialising in developing civilizations, to the advancement of the human longevity with healing magic. The existence of magic had benefited the world, shaping it for the better.

However, there were also those born without this gift: Voids. With the absence of Vitality since birth, these beings lacked the capability to wield any form of magic, let alone cast a single spell.

The Voids were then seen as an inferior race, outcast from society and disregarded by Casters. Afraid the Casters will oppress them one day, the Voids laid the foundations in search for the alternative to Vitality, just so they can defend themselves.

And in the fear, they created something that should never have been made: Arcanum

The liquid was originally meant to allow a Void to use magic, through bringing out their inner desires in the form of artificial Vitality. 

Instead, it became a curse that spawned a machine out for blood. Through the manifestation of the negative sins of man, the users became mindless creatures that sought out blood for feasting. They became recognised as Fanatics, cursed beings of the world.

With a huge number spawned, and mysteriously growing in population, the world was thrown into chaos as these Fanatics sought to destroy the world. The bloody massacre that followed was eventually known as the Arcana War.

In the events that transpired, an alliance was formed to purge the Fanatics. Voids and Casters, forced to cooperate together to put an end to the curse. After 10 long years of countless sacrifices and bloodshed, the world finally found peace again.

However, life was never the same again.

With Arcanum banned throughout the world, the Casters were afraid that the Voids may do something similar in a bid to surpass them. Many started blaming the Voids as the cause of the unnecessary struggle, leading to a growing presence of prejudice and subjugation against these people.

The World Government had to step in to prevent further massacre, appointing the land of Synla to be the home ground for Voids. Only here are the Voids protected by the authorities and treated as equals to the members of society.

All these had happened more than 30 years ago...

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