Escalate, Evolve

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Cordial had expected Caroline to fall from the impact, yet she merely rebounded right back. Her strength forcing him away from her. He tries swinging again, only to narrowly avoid a direct claw from his right. Darn it! Macro claws directly at Cordial's face, forcing him to block instinctively with the broom. 3 clean cuts appear on the handle, making him to drop the broken broom and retreat barehanded.

"Oh, interesting, the little Void actually thinks he has a fighting chance." Caroline drops her catch, which lands rather dangerously near the glass shards on the ground. "Let me take care of this Marco, stay back." As Marco backs off, she starts removing her white worker gloves, keeping them into her jacket's side pockets before loosening up the muscles in her wrists and hands. "Do you think you can take this?"

"...." Before Cordial can respond, he is rained with a flurry of blows. Each impact directed on his joints throughout his body. He can feel his body screaming, begging for the pain to stop, but he endured the pain. I cannot fall, not now.... He continues trying to observe her movements as Caroline launches her second volley, only to feel more pain spreading in his body.

"Heh, you're still up? I'm just getting started." She licks about her lips, "Better get ready Void, or else both you and this girl will die."

I can't keep it up like this. Guess I don't have a choice now.

"Huh? What's with that stare?"

"You said something about dying, huh," he straightens himself, focusing on his aggressor straight in the eye. "I'm not going to let that happen, not today." The air around him starts to shift, he raises his hand and challenges her. "If you think you're just getting started,come at me with all you've got!"

"Hm? How amusing." She clenches her fists, "you asked for it!" With that, she lunges forth, seeking for the same sensation from earlier. Except, her target had disappeared from her sight. "Wh-"

"Too slow." He dodges the blows and directs a side jab towards her abdominal area. Closer to impact, his hands start to glow bright red, with flames covering his entire fist. On contact, his fist manages to burn through a part of her jacket, packed with enough force to sends her flying.

"Caroline!" Marco screams, jumping forth to catch her.

Cordial hurriedly runs to check on his sister. Other than some mild scratches, she is not seriously injured. He feels for her pulse, finding it to be weak, but stable.

The giant swings his claw downwards onto the boy, with the impact of a loud clink.

Separating the blades from Cordial's face, is the very metallic wrist band he had been complaining about. "You really don't know when to give up." His fists burns once more, emitting strong heat that causes Marco to flinch. "Get off me!" The flames burst forth, overwhelming his entire hand as he parries the blades. The ravage flames consumes the claw, with energy that it clings on to the blades, warping their structures and peeling the gold off completely.

Marco rips the claw off his hand to avoid getting burnt. With his weapon now rendered useless, he could only back away, with his legs trembling. Flames covered the whole house, forming a ring that surrounded him and the boy before him. That boy should have been a Void. The band, itself should have been proof, because no one with Vitality can wear it. "So how on earth? No, it can't be, you aren't really a Void are you?!" the voice once full of confidence, now riddled with panic.

Cordial glares towards the man, his eyes now filled with thirsting blood lust. "Do you want to find out?"

"No.." Marco falls backwards, his face filled with fear and panic. "Stay away!" Standing before him is longer the boy whom he thought was a Void, instead it is a demon, burning with fire. "HELP ME!!!!!!" The screams echo through, with no one who can hear or answer his plea for help.

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