Introducing his life......

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"Abhi! Have breakfast with us and leave." His mum said while he was already packing his bag to leave house.

Abhi never said anything in response and left.

"You know him right? He won't listen to us." His dad said.

"Why is he like this? We have been good parents as far as I know. We never even beat or slap him but still be is not close to us." She says.

"I am also not sure what mistake we did Reena...."

"The only times he talks with us jovially is when any other relatives are around. Apart from that he is immersed in his own world." Reena Ma  replied.

His dad "We know he stays here not to accompany us but he stays here as this is a place for him to live and is near to his work place."

"Yes....I know he had informed it to us na....." Reena said in a low tone.

They look concerned thinking of how will Abhi survive in his life if he is not even close to his parents.

At his work place,

Abhi "I told you to place a tent near the excavation site. Now you see, there is a some other archeologist over there!!!"

Tina "'s not some other archaeologist. He is your senior!"

Abhi "So what? I wanted to be the first to dig out that place!!!"

He yells loudly in frustration and Tina looks scared of him.

Abhi "Pass me his number!"

Tina passed his number and scolded her for being such a useless assistant to him.

Abhi took a deep breath and called his senior.

Abhi "Hello....."

"Yes who is this?" A girl asked.

Abhi "I want to speak to Mr Thomas."

"He is working on the specimens collected. You can try calling him later." She replied.

Abhi "What? He started collecting specimens already???" He asked in shock.

"Yes....after all he is very fast when comes to work." She replied.

Abhi threw his phone in anger and Tina came back hearing the sound.

Abhi glared at her furiously.

Abhi "If you had got the permissions appropriately, this wouldn't have happen in the first place!!"

Tina wanted to tell something but before that he walked away.

Abhi slammed the door of his car. It was unacceptable to accept this.

He received a call and picked up the call.

"Are you Mr Abhi?" She asked.

"Yes!" He replied sternly.

"I knew it was you but I was confused just now. By the way, I highly respect all your works sir. I want your advice on how to be like you." She asks politely.

Abhi was not in a mood to reply to her.

He ends the call and she said "What the?? How can he disconnect my call?"

She tries calling him again but he never picks up her call.

"Pragya, you know this guy is such a aloof man. Nevertheless it can't be denied that he is awesome in his work!" She says to herself.

She smiles thinking of meeting him and joining as his assistant.

"Nah....not now....Mr Thomas is super awesome compared to this Aloof Abhi." She thinks.

Just then someone calls her.

Pragya "You again?"

"Hey Pragu, please come back. Without you I am feeling like a fool" He says.

Pragya "You are a fool!" She says and ends the call.

Pragya "This idiot is another irritating thing in my life. How dare he always call me up to annoy me!"

Sneak peek to next part:

Abhi "Nice to meet you!"
Mr Thomas "It's my pleasure meeting you Abhi. She is Pragya and she would like to join as your assistant."

Pragya smiles at him and he doesn't respond to her smile.

"It's a simple courtesy to smile. Why is he still looking like this?" She thought. 

Abhi "Sir, already I have enough of one assistant and now another one would make my head roll on the floor."

Pragya laughs out loud at his words while Abhi and Mr Thomas looks at her strangely.

In this story, Pragya won't be as cheerful as my other stories. But she is not a very serious character too. She is more of a jovial person who have a parallel life hidden inside her.

A Maverick's loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora