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Natalia was bored.

She didn't have a shoot and her plans to go out with her friend Hailey had fell through.

Letting out a sigh of defeat she contemplated getting out of bed but decided against it. It's not like I've got anything to do anyway. She curled herself into the duvet, too hot to get under them.

Just as she was about to succumb to sleep, the incessant ringing of her phone disrupted her near peaceful moment

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Just as she was about to succumb to sleep, the incessant ringing of her phone disrupted her near peaceful moment. Deciding that she should try to be the least bit productive today she reached for the phone.

"Hello," she grumbled tiredly.

"Nat you better not still be in bed!" the said girl decided that she didn't like how alert the voice of her manager sounded on the other end and almost hung up.

"I'm not," she lied easily, smiling whilst doing so, knowing Lisa would call her out.

"Don't lie to me!"

Natalia had to suppress a laugh at how predictable she was. "Why are you calling me so early in the morning?" She asked wanting to know while discreetly changing the subject.

"It's 1:30!"

Rolling her eyes, she answered,"It's Sunday!"

"That's not the point! Now, do you want to hear some exciting news?"

"Always," she answered easily.

"Guess who was offered a lead role in season 2 of her favourite show?"

"No!" She exclaimed in our shock, "Really?" She asked, afraid she was still dreaming.

"Yes really, you're going to be in Sherlock!"

She screamed in delight for a solid two minutes before stopping, afraid she might pass out. "I can't believe it!"

"Well believe it honey, cause it's true!"

" I didn't even audition," Natalia was confused on how she landed such a role with no prior relation to the people in charge.

"Remember that photo you posted in the deerstalker hat a few weeks ago?"

"Yes!" She answered happily at the thought of her new favourite hat.

"Well Mark Gatiss saw it and loved it and the caption so much he showed Steven Moffa-"

"MOFFAT!" She exclaimed, "Mark Gatiss and Stevan Moffat know who I am?"

"Yes." She answered shortly, "Now if you let me continue I'll tell you the rest."

"Ok!" She agreed instantly.

"They were half way through the audition process for this character, when you uploaded that picture. It brought so much publicity and strikes their interest so much they got in contact with me. They offered you a main role in the first episode of season two. I haven't accepted yet, cause I had to ask you first. But I'm pretty sure I already know your answer." Lisa said knowingly, almost smirking at the thought.

"Yes! A million times Yes!" She squealed.

"You don't even know what the role entails," she chuckled.

"I don't care! Where do I sign?" She asked airily, feeling as if she was on cloud nine.

"You would play The Women-"

"The woman? Not a woman?" She asked in confusion.

"Yes THE Woman," Lisa said exasperatedly.

"What's she like?" Natalia asked, wanting more insight on her character.

"She's a dominatrix!" Lisa said excitedly.

Natalia giggled in delight,"Do I have any scenes with Benedict Cumberbatch?" She said crossing her fingers while doing so.

This time Lisa couldn't stop the smirk from appearing on her face,"Yesssss," she answered suggestively.

"Anddddd?" She said excitedly.

"And no it isn't the sort of scene your hoping for." Lisa replied chuckling.

Natalia huffed not even trying to hide her disappointment,"Oh well, at least I get to look at him all day." She said in an excited tone, almost childlike, but Lisa knew that Nat didn't have the pure intentions her voice let you in to believe.

"I'll bring the script round today and then we can go out for celebratory drinks!"

"I guess I'll get out of bed then."

Model romance // Benedict CumberbatchWhere stories live. Discover now