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Benedict chuckled to himself as he turned the page to the newest script he had to memorise. As his eyes scanned the page a lock of dark curly hair fell in front of his eyes. He groaned in annoyance. He really did hate this hair.

An abrupt knock brought him out of his hateful thoughts.

Placing the script on the coffee table with care, he stood up from the armchair he was lounging in and made his way to the door.

Opening the door he was surprised to see his co-star was the one who knocked on his door, tempted to ask him what he was doing here but decided against it thinking it was rude,"Did we have plans I forgot about?," he asked.

"No I just thought I'd pop by." Martin answered while walking past Benedict, into the living room and sitting on the armchair, Benedict was once residing in.

"Please, come in." Ben sarcastically replied to his friends intrusion.

"Don't mind if I do," Martin replied easily whilst casually picking up the abandoned script.

Despite being rude, Martin was still a houseguest so Ben decided to get two beers out of the fridge, silently handing one to Martin.

"Thanks," Martin said without looking up from the script,"Did you see who was cast as the women?"

"No." Ben answered confused at the happy underlining of Martins voice,"Why?" He asked.

"Because they cast the most beautiful woman in the world!" Matin exclaimed,"After Amanda." He quickly added after seeing Ben's accusing gaze.

"And who might that be?" He asked, amusement clear in his eyes.

"Natalia Lisowski!" Martin exclaimed exasperatedly, throwing his arms up for good measure.

"Who?" Ben asked sheepishly, almost afraid of Martins reaction.

"You didn't see it?" Martin asked accusingly.

"See what?"

"The Instagram post!"

Ben let out a sigh whilst rolling his eyes,"You know I don't have Instagram." This time it was Ben who sounded exasperated.

"Yes but I thought you didn't live under a rock! It was trending!"

"Trending?" Ben replied, his eyebrows knitted in confusion. "Trending on what?"

"On everything! I can't believe you don't know who she is!"

"Who is she?" He asked, trying to get back into Martins good graces.

"Only the number one model in the world!'

"Model?" Ben asked, confusion now written all across his face. "How come a model got the role? Last I heard Lara Pulver was offered the role."

"They were going to offer Laura the job, but after Natalia's Instagram post Mark and Stevan's minds were made up."

"What could be so alluring about one photo?"

Martin didn't say anything, only returning a smirk whilst he reached into his front pocket to retrieve his phone. Opening it on the right app he placed it in Benedict's hand.


Model romance // Benedict CumberbatchWhere stories live. Discover now