The start

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First year high school in a new school, there was a girl named Maia. She was so excited to go to her first day of school where everyone is new. But when she got there, her excitement changes into being uncomfortable in just one quick snap. Good thing there was this sweet and friendly girl beside her. And that girl is Kim. Kim was so excited to meet Maia. Kim and Maia started to talk to each other as they are cousins seeing for the second time. But as the days turns into weeks; weeks turns into months; they became best friends. They never leave each other's side. Oh yeah! You don't know them yet. Well Maia is a fierce kind of a girl. She thinks maturely but acts like a cool gangster who breaks every rule. But with a twist, Maia is a caring person. Every time she's with Kim, she is a calm person. But when they're not together, Maia acts like a wild animal. But that never happens cause there is no second Maia and Kim are not together. Except if it's Kim's curfew. Now, Kim is the opposite of Maia. Kim is sweet, kind, colourful, girly and friendly. Others cannot believe that Maia accepted Kim as her best friend since Maia throws the cautions to the wind, while Kim cares about the cautions that Maia throws. But, since both of them are caring, they find themselves perfect for each other even if they only have one thing in common. Because they believe in each other. And that's what we call best friends. Since both of them are girls, they thought that they are already safe to be together,but since they're smart, they thought that it would be safer and more fun if there would be boys in their gang. So they searched for students who has the same personality as they are. But, it was the opposite. They didn't find a fierce or a colourful friend. But instead, they found a crazy smart friend, and his name is Cody. Cody is all about ladies and smart stuff. Three best friends of the first year of high school. Everything is going well for them. Until a nightmare came to ruin, not just their day, but their whole school year. The scary teacher. Her name is Isabella. She is a Latina teacher ,so everybody knows that she is strict. Everyone doesn't like her because of her scary teaching and that scary face. It freaks them out if they hear the name Isabella. But of  course the best friends did not stop to make their school days fun. School is supposed to be fun. Even learning is supposed to be fun. If the people who works in schools are strict and angry all the time, students won't like them. Students will FEAR them. And it's not a nice thing to hear. So, instead of listening to the rules of Ms. Isabella, the three best friends makes the best day ever, every single day. (If that makes sense). Let's talk about Cody. Cody loves Maia and Kim so much, he wants to marry both of them! But, he wouldn't dare. Because he knows that they are all best friends, and he respects them both. Cody competes in every educational competitions. But Cody never wins. Why? Because there is this guy named Fred that is smarter than Cody. But Cody never looses his hope. He never stops competing even though he already knows that Fred is also competing. Cody is a smart kid and he believes that. One time when Maia and Kim decided to support Cody in his next competition, Cody finally won because of strong belief and inspiration from his friends. But there is another reason why Cody won and Fred lost. When Maia and Kim entered the room, Fred saw Maia and fell in love. Fred was so distracted, that he forgot how to talk and answer the questions. After the competition, Fred stood up to congratulate Cody and meet Maia. When Maia saw how handsome and smart Fred is, she secretly was falling for him. While Fred was talking to Cody, Cody noticed that Fred keeps on looking at Maia. "I know. Maia is pretty!" Says Cody. "What?! How did you know" Fred replied. "I'm also a boy, Fred. And I know your moves". Then Cody left the room with Maia and Kim. As the three best friends walk to home, Maia asked with a confused face "How much do you hate Fred, Cody? He seems like a nice guy to me. The way how confidently he stood up to congratulate you and accept that he lost." "I know Maia, your slowly falling for him. He likes you too. In fact, he congratulated me just to see you up close" Cody replied. Maia felt her heart beating fast and smiled like the sweetest girl in the world. Kim was so confused how fierce Maia is, but still fell in love. The next day, when Cody woke up, he was so surprised when he saw Maia in front of him, and waiting for him to wake up. Cody thought that maybe it's because of Fred. He guessed right. Maia, with her nonstop mouth, kept on asking him everything about Fred. "Can we NOT talk Fred related?" Asked Cody. "No because he's too perfect not to talk about!" Maia replied. Cody looked at Maia and said " you like my arch enemy? Cool" with a sad tone of voice. Maia felt really bad about what she's feeling about Cody's arch enemy. "I am so sorry Cody! Please forgive me. I can not like him. Just for you." Said Maia. "It's okay Maia. You can like him. I guess you have to go" Cody replied. Maia went out of Cody's house with a very sad feeling she carries in her heart. As Kim and Maia sat down in the classroom, Maia started a conversation about Cody. "I feel so bad about myself, Kim" said Maia. "How come? What did you do wrong again? I'm not saying that you always do bad things..well yeah that is true. But what did you do?" Kim replied "Seriously Kim? No. I mean, I made Cody feel so sad because I fell for his arch enemy, Fred" said Maia. Kim agreed and as soon as Cody entered the classroom, Maia stood up to pour out her heart to Cody and say sorry. Cody refuses and told Maia to sit down because he's not in a good mood. It's lunch time, Cody is still not talking to Maia. Kim and Maia are walking home as they saw Cody. Maia chased  Cody and said "I don't care if you don't like to talk to me. I don't care if you hate me. I don't care if your mad. I just want to say sorry to you because you're my friend and i don't want to loose you. I'd rather loose Fred than to loose you Cody. I love you, buddy!" Cody was so surprised about what Maia said. "Wow Maia. You really mean that. Well, I guess Fred is just an enemy in competitions, so you can like him. I won't get mad. And..I love you too, bud!" Cody replied. Maia, Kim and Cody, the three best friends, continued walking with a very happy face.

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