The "New" one

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Second year. New Year, new teacher and new classmates. Kim, Maia and Cody were so excited to start another chapter as a student. As the three best friends were walking around the halls, a guy passed by. His name is Alex. Maia and Kim looked at each other as if they have a plan. "Yup. I think Maia and Kim will stalk that guy and fight about who will get him first" Cody predicted. Yet his prediction seems to be right. Maia and Kim followed Alex and knew that Alex will stay at the same classroom with them. Maia and Kim was about to compete who will win Alex's heart but Cody came to stop them. "Not again girls! The two of you are fighting just because of a guy? It's so immature. And are you gonna leave me again?! I don't like that guy!" Cody exclaimed. "We will never leave you Cody! If it hurts your feelings, then we will not make friends with that guy!" Kim replied and Maia agreed. When the three best friends saw Alex sitting on the chair in the middle of three open chairs, Maia and Kim immediately sat down on both sides, making Alex sitting in the middle of the girls. And Cody had no choice, but to sit behind Alex. "Not make friends huh." Cody said with a sarcastic tone of voice. Kim and Maia looked at each other when they heard wath Cody said and sighed. "What year is it today?" The teacher asked. "2018 sir."Alex answers. "mhhm". "If you were born 5 years from now, how old are you?" the teacher asked for the second time, but a riddle. "5years old sir" Alex once again answered. The teacher was so impressed how fast Alex's brain goes. Cody tapped Alex and said "I like you". "I like you too" Alex replied with a smile on his face, while Kim and Maia are smiling at each other as if they're about to make another master plan. It's launch time when Maia and Kim asked Cody about Alex. "So Cody, you like Alex nom?" Maia asked. "Of course! He's so smart and friendly. We could really get a long." Cody replied with pure excitement. "Will it mind if I join you?" Alex asked. "No!! Not at all!" Cody replied. First launch of their 2nd year high school with a new friend. As the days passed by, Maia, Kim, Cody, and their new friend Alex got comfortable with each other. They promised each other that a few is enough and Alex will be the last one. They're already happy with each other, and they realised that having a lot of friends does make you cool, but you don't really know who are the real and fake ones. Group Assignments. No body in the class are their closest friends but them. The Group Assignment is to spend the whole day with your friends, 24hrs. Since the group is by friends, the four of them are group mates. Kim raised her right arm and asked "why do we have to spend day and night with our friends, sir?" "The lesson behind that Assignment is knowing what friends really mean." the teacher answers. "But we do know what friends mean sir." Alex added. "No. Not yet. You say that just because you four are best friends and you are always together and you know each other. You don't really know what friends are really meant for you." the teacher replied. "So what are we gonna do after sleeping with my gang?" Maia asked. "You Maia, with your gang, will share your experience in front of the class and explain what you've learned about being friends and being together day and night." says the teacher. The four best friends headed to Kim's house and talked about the group assignment for the weekend. " What could possibly go wrong!?" says Kim, Maia, Cody and Alex confidently. It is the next day and it is the weekend. Maia, Cody and Alex went to Kim's house to fetch her and eat breakfast in their favourite hang out place, and also to start their group assignment. "The 24 hours of friendship" says Maia " I can't wait for you this day to end" she added. "Maia, don't you feel so happy to be with us 24hrs?" Asked Kim. "NO" Maia answered. As the clock ticks and the day passed by, the four best friends has been so quiet and bored. Kim stood up and said "Maybe we should have some fun. Let's do something. So that we can finish our assignment task." "or maybe we should just tell our teacher that this is a stupid assignment!" Maia replied angrily. "No. Kim's right Maia. We are best friends. And best friends do anything to make each other's day to be fun." Cody added. "I know where to go!" Said Alex with pure excitement. Alex leaded the others and went to a petting zoo. "Seriously Alex? This is the best place you can take us to! A ZOO!!!??" Maia poured out her anger and shouted. "Well, well girly. This isn't just a zoo, it's a petting zoo." the tourist said as he enters. "where's the fun part, old wickedly cow boy!?" Maia sarcastically said. "The word petting, angry New York woman. See, the thing here is, when you pet the animals, feed them, you have fun with your friend!" The tourist replied "I don't get—" "we get it sir!" Alex stopped Maia from saying. As they enter the petting zoo, everyone ran to pet the horses, except Maia. "Oh wow! So cute! Look at them big teeth, rock feet, huge head!" Maia said sarcastically shouting. "Maia, appreciate the animals. They give us things we need in our daily life." Kim replied. "I'm gonna go anywhere else but here!" Maia left. When Maia saw the bunnies, her tear fell, remembering the memories she had with Kim when it was just the two of them. She held the bunnies and pet them. Kim, Cody and Alex were searching for Maia. "Well, well. Look at what we have here! The girl who hates animals, is petting a bunny!? Whoa!" Said Alex. "Alex, no" Kim followed. Maia walked out, offended. "I told you" Kim sadly said and didn't say any more explanations why. They all went to find Maia. Kim found Maia sitting beside a horse. Kim sat beside Maia and said "I miss just the two of us too, Maia". Maia looked at Kim in the eye and tear. "There you guys are! We've been looking for you" Said Alex, catching his breath. "I am so sorry Maia. I don't know why you looked offended, but I'll just say sorry" Alex followed. "It's okay Alex. I'm sorry too. The thing is, bunnies reminds me when it was just me and Kim. We had a pet bunny once. One of our memorable memories we have. Right Kim?" Maia explained. Kim nodded her head with a smile on her face. The next day, in school, it was sharing time. They did their assignment and explained their experience. "It was a success. Yet, we expect more." Kim ended.

The Best of friends.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang