Last Goodbyes

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A lot of high school years have passed and it's one day til college. Which means much more busy and much more effort. "I can't believe we are almost going to college. We are so growing up. So what school are we going at?" Kim asking her friends. "Kim, we can't be together til college. You have to understand it, hun" Maia replied to Kim. "What? But - what about - we're forever, right?" Kim worriedly replied. "We can't be forever, Kim. There's college." Alex replied "Kim, hun, college is going to be the busy part of our school life. So we need to put all of our effort in studying. And we can't be in same schools." Maia followed. "We need to find the school that is perfect for our course." Cody added. "And if we are going in same schools, we are still in different classes and time schedules since we have different college courses." Alex replied. "We have to put college as our number 1 priority, Kim. And also finding our job. We can meet and hang out again when we have our good jobs! Not just now." Maia followed. "I understand, but, I thought - ugh. I will miss you guys." Kim crying. "We will miss you too." Maia replied. Maia, Cody and Alex hugged Kim. It is the next day and it's time to pick their own college. "Well, I guess this is goodbye." Kim said. "Yeah. I'm gonna miss you guys so much." Maia replied. "Let's just promise each other to meet in the future with a great job." Alex followed. "Yeah. So, I guess - goodbye?" Cody asking. "Bye guys" Kim tearing. This chapter has been very short. We can't expect to make this chapter too fast from picking their college to finishing college and to finding their job. Maybe another season. Til next time. From Maia, Kim, Cody and Alex, and to the other people in this story, goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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