chapter 2:

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It's been a week since Scott Brooks has arrived in National City. He's catching onto the rhythm quick at work. Maggie's really been enjoying having him back in her everyday life. She hasn't had a friend to go to in a while. She couldn't wait to get back to late night hangouts that made the best unforgettable memories.

At the station, the news is reporting a story about Supergirl. "Supergirl comes to the rescue when a cat gets stuck in a tree." The voice from the TV speaks em-pathetically. "So, that's what superheroes do, huh?" Scott jokes as he puts his jacket on. Maggie chuckles a little, "Come on, we gotta go." She says clipping her badge to her waist. The detectives got a tip on a robbery and the robber is on foot. Maggie accelerated her speed and turned on the cars sirens. As the two looked down the streets, they spotted the man run into an ally. Maggie turned down another street, predicting where he was heading. "Here!" She heard Scott tell her. "Let me out here and I'll go on foot." The detective quickly agreed and came to a quick halt and let her partner out. He quickly started running down an ally as she sped off. Scott took a moment to breath in. He could smell the mans scent. He took a few turns down the ally and spotted the man as he began to stumble. The culprit looked over his shoulder, the officer wasn't in sight. Until he looked back in front of him, Scott was right in front of him as he was then tackled to the ground. As Scott got him up, he was thrown over the hood of the vehicle as Maggie pulled up just in time. Scott cuffed the man before getting him off the hood of the car and putting him in the backseat. "I forgot how much fun it is to work together." Maggie grinned at her friend as they got in the car and rode back to the police station.

As their shift winds to an end, they head back to Maggie's place. The two entered the apartment and were greeted with the silence that filled Maggie's apartment. "Oh, how nice it is to come home to peace." she said as she announced herself in her own home. "Alex is at work for another hour or so," Maggie explained as she got two beers out of the fridge. "Let's have a drink." she told him as they sat on the couch. They both popped off their beer caps and took a refreshing gulp. "So, when exactly is this wedding?" Scott asked as he glanced around the apartment, catching glimpses of pictures of the couple together. "Alex and I are still figuring it out. But Alex says it's going to be a the biggest, gayest wedding National City will ever see." Maggie replied as she smirked at how quirky her soon to be wife can be. "That's so cute." he said with a chuckle as he took a swig of his drink. "Yeah, except for the fact that I don't have biggest gayest family. Alex wants me to reach out to my dad but I don't know. She just doesn't get it. I know how he's going to be, a cruel backstabbing coward." Maggie finished as she downed the rest of her drink and set it on the table. "You know, you don't need him here. Don't feel pressured into it. Alex will understand if you really don't want him there." he said to her as he remembered the heartbreaking story Maggie shared with him years ago. He couldn't believe that she went through such a traumatic event at a young age. "I know, I know." Maggie paused after taking in a deep breath.

"So, um, Alex's sister... Kara, right?" Scott intercepted as he figured the subject needed to be changed. "Right." Maggie nodded, squinting her eyes at the mention of Kara. "She seems nice." he said as he took a sip from his beer that earned him a look from his friend. "What?" he looked at her in confusion as he caught the look she was giving him. "You are so not going there with her." Maggie told him with a sharp tone as she shifted towards him. "What? All I said was that she seems nice." he replied innocently in defeat. "Scott, come on. You don't ask about a woman unless you're somewhat interested." she told him, arching an eyebrow up in response. "She's pretty." He told his friend with as he now regretted bringing her up. Because he couldn't deny that he was attracted to the woman. That it wasn't just the innocence of her that attracted him, there was something else. "Pretty and off limits." Maggie told him as she got up and headed for the fridge to grab another drink. "Oh, come on." Scott sighed as he followed his friend to the kitchen. "I just don't know if Alex would like it. Kara's been through a lot and Alex gets protective." Maggie explained, handing him a bottle. "Besides, I don't think you're her type." she said, and in more ways than one. "I'm everybody's type." Scott muttered as he took a sip of his drink. "Well, you don't have a vagina. So, you're definitely not mine." she told him as they both broke into laughter seconds later.

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