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MY HEART THRUMMED beneath my rib case, eyes locked on the door in front of me. Another knock sounded, louder and more persistent this time. Swallowing, I reached out for the round handle, then hesitated. I've done this a few times, reaching to open the front door, then pausing a moment later. I was unsure, unsteady with what I wanted to do. I did know, however, that I really needed to open the door before the fuming Demi Demon on the other knocked it down.

"Celeste, if you don't open the door this instant I swear to God I'll ram it down!"

The fiery redhead had been standing outside my door for a good five minutes, knocking on the hardwood. I knew she was there the second she stepped foot on my driveway. I sped downstairs but hesitated once I reached the front entrance.

Instead of obeying, I blurted the first words that flew to the forefront of my mind. "I don't think God would appreciate you swearing at him."

There was a moment's pause after my unnecessary comment, and I could have sworn I heard a small chuckle, but it was brief enough that I could have imagined it.

A small sigh was heard from the other side of the door, then Hannah's voice softened as she spoke her next words. "Just open the door, Celeste. We need to talk."

With an emotional lump lodged in my throat, I turned the deadbolt, unlocked the door, and parted it open to a visibly frustrated, yet seemingly torn and tired redheaded Demi Demon.

"Hi." I greeted, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth. I held on to the doorframe for my own support, afraid I'd stumble from emotional shock and drainage from seeing her for the first time in days. It was similar to staring at someone for the first time; unsure, hesitant, and different. Except this wasn't the first time seeing Hannah face to face, but it was the first time seeing her for what she was. She wasn't human, at least not completely. She was half Demon, half human.

Hannah gave me a small head nod. "Hey," she greeted simply, a frown marring her freckled features. Clearing her throat, she crossed her arms over her chest. "We need to talk."

Knowing it had been a long time coming, and irrevocably inevitable, I nodded. Moving out of the doorway, I motioned for Hannah to step through so we could talk. I swallowed back the guilt that roared its ugly head, knowing deep within my heart this talk should have happened sooner. Part of me, however, was still an emotional wreck.

Hannah took her place on the couch. I sat so my body would mirror her own a comfortable distance away, letting myself hesitantly relax into the soft felt fabric of the couch cushions.

For a few moments, neither of us spoke. Hannah rolled her hands in her land, contemplating where to start it seemed, while I stayed quiet and gnawed at my bottom lip from nerves. If someone had asked me why I was nervous in the first place, I wasn't so sure I could give them a straight answer. All I would be able to manage out was that I just hoped this wouldn't end in a fight, and possibly ending a life I couldn't bare to see absent in my life.

After that thought, I knew it was true for the boys as well. While I was upset, there was no reason to be so crude with them. I wasn't sure why it had taken me so long, or why I was so hesitant and afraid to speak to them, but I knew then that I wanted them in my life. I just wasn't so sure at what cost, especially with my father hot on my ass.

"In order for you to understand, I need to go back to the beginning," Hannah finally began. There was a slight waiver in her voice, igniting my interest but understanding all the same. I stayed quiet, letting the Demi Demon gather her thoughts before speaking.

"First is Zeke. He was born immortal like yourself, I assume." Her brows furrowed as she studied me for a second, as if she knew I didn't have access to my immortality for some strange reason. She would be correct, but I kept my mouth shut while she continued. "His mother was a purebred Hellhound and pretended to love his father. His father was a Guardian Angel, and he ended up falling in love with his mother rather quickly. As I'm sure you're aware, their love was forbidden, especially for a Guardian. However, that love didn't stop him, until he knew that she was only using him. Zeke's mother wanted a weapon, she wasn't in good standing with Demonic Royalty at the time, let alone Lucifer, so she had the crazed idea to create a weapon, and sell that weapon for her freedom in repayment of her debts, as well as forgiveness."

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