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ASMODEUS LET OUT a loose chuckle, but his human form was still nowhere in sight. Zeke growled next to me, taking a step forward to guard me against the direction of his voice.

"Calm down, hybrid," the female voice returned. Her disgust for Zeke could be heard through her scratchy tone. "We won't harm her."

Zeke's eyes glowed, gazing out in the direction of the voice. I followed his eyesight, squinting, but didn't see anything. "That doesn't mean I'll let you anywhere near her." Zeke's voice dropped dangerously low; everything about his position was possessive and poised, ready to attack if necessary. Damn, if I didn't find it sexy.

A deep foreign rumble interrupted the silence. "If we wanted her, hybrid," a different male spat, who I assumed was Beelzebub. His voice was low and gravelly, nearly muffled as if he were of a heavier weight. "We would take her from you, and there would be no way to stop us." Confidence leaked through every one of his words. Unfortunately, I knew he was right. Zeke was no match for three royal demons, even with Noah and Evan.

I rested a hand on Zeke's forearm. "They won't harm me," I croaked, not believing the lie I was spitting. Zeke's eyes met mine, but the fear and protectiveness in his eyes struck me hard. He wasn't willing to risk it.

"What do you want?" Evan barked, his glowing blue haloed eyes still scanning the area. They still haven't shown themselves, and I was beginning to question why.

"To talk," Leviathan, the female, replied. I cringed at her voice; it reminded me of an old witch.

"Well, that's too bad," Noah spoke up, crossing his arms. Fur pelted his arms through the tears in his suit, eyes glowing crimson. Canines extended, piercing his bottom lip as he let lose a warning growl. "Because we don't feel like talking."

Frowning, I looked down at my dress and saw similar tears in the fabric. With a small sigh, I knew I'd be missing my last High School Prom, and it ate at me for some reason.

Leviathan chuckled. "You don't have a choice, Purebred." She spat out the last word as if it disgusted her. My eyes rolled, nearly laughing at the irony.

"There's always a choice," I growled, my eyes glowing against the dark night sky. A few more muscles and tendons were slowly sewing themselves together, and most of my body was healed completely. I already felt stronger.

Noah's eyes shone brilliant red into the night, igniting the area around us, while Zeke and I burned an unholy dark gold. My hybrid was itching to come out to play. I would have let him if the boys weren't here, but their safety was my main concern.

"Not today, little one," Asmodeus replied.

"Enough with this nonsense," Beelzebub grumbled impatiently. "We have things to discuss."

"Like what?" I barked, my anger flaming through the blood in my veins. "My father? Ooh, goody, I'll start–" the boys snickered despite the situation. My sarcasm was on full display. "Tell the big man I said fuck off," I growled the last two words, emphasizing my utter hatred for the sperm donor. To my surprise, the three demons openly chuckled. Crazy bastards.

"We're not here to discuss your father, little bird," Beelzebub grumbled. My eyes rolled at the new nicknames I was starting to adopt.

"Then what do you want?" Zeke snapped, his patience wearing thin.

He was completely on edge, his demon on the verge of taking over. His control was slipping, and I could feel it through the body heat radiating off of him. Lifting my arm, I slowly traced circles on his arm. He let out a breath through his nose, his eyes fluttering. It relaxed him enough to where he gained his control back, but he was still tense.

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