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ALL FIVE SETS of eyes watched the door in anticipated silence. A growl erupted within Zeke's chest, eyes igniting as the veins in his body began to burn molten coal. The blood in his veins flowed with unreleased power. Noah stepped forward, fur rippling down his arms and neck. Venomous canines extended through his parted lips, dripping from their sharp edges. Hannah stood beside her brother, eyes haloed in crimson. Canines extended, and her claws lengthened from her fingertips, matching her brother's.

I rolled my neck, calling my hybrid forth. The room around me glowed gold as my eyes ignited. My veins churned blue and purple throughout my entire body, unleashing a hungry power as it hummed beneath my fingertips.

The silence was brutally interrupted then, a body crashed through my front door. The wood splintered, pieces flying in every direction. The body slid across the wood floor, landing in a heap at my feet. The male groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. When he dropped them, bright blood-red eyes flashed to human green and gazed up at me.

"Well hello there," he purred, a grin morphing his features.

My brows furrowed, a snort gagging my throat. His humor was odd despite the situation. "Who are you?"

Evan answered for him. "Hardin, Morgan's cousin. He goes to school with us."

"Hardin?" I repeated.

Running a hand through his shaggy dirty blonde hair, Hardin smiled. "Yes, ma'am. And don't you forget it," he winked. Zeke w, as the one to release a snort, and Hardin slowly rose to his feet.

"Where's Morgan?" I aimed the question at Hardin, wincing when I heard something crack. Without a word, Hardin pointed to the door. As if on cue, Morgan was thrown through the shredded open doorway, skidding across the counter top, and slamming to a stop against the faucet. Glass was thrown to the floor, shattering upon impact and nearly splitting my eardrums.

Evan jumped, blue haloed eyes wide. "Good Lor-" he began, but was cut off immediately.

A voice I was growing to loathe interrupted Evan. "Ah-ah-ah." My father chose that moment to casually walk through the destroyed doorway as if he owned it, a devious smirk upon his face. Wagging his finger, he shook his head. "Not that name in my presence please. That man still makes me nauseous," he gagged. Wearing an all black suit decorated with a red tie, I scoffed. He looked the part he was trying to play, with all the theatrics.

How was I related to this guy? "Lord," I muttered mockingly, crossing my arms over my chest as I watched my father with a raised eyebrow.

"I asked nicely, Daughter," The Death Scythe glowered. I just shrugged, covering my mouth with an overdramatic yawn. I was past the point of caring about what my father wanted, let alone his preferences. Don't get me wrong, the guy was strong a powerful. He was a High Demon for fucks sake, and used to be Lucifer's right hand man. I knew I was playing with fire, but I'd willingly burn to watch him boil to the ground.

Off to my left, Morgan's groaned. She slowly rose from the counter, glass crunched under her feet as she made her way over, standing next to her cousin and Noah. Blood spotted her nose, cuts along her arms and legs healed and caked in dried crimson. Her eyes glowed bright Hellhound red, and she looked pissed. Canines and claws extended, a fierce expression written across her once picturesque features, and for once it wasn't directed at me.

A growl rose in my throat, my power coming forth as I called it to me. I inched forward, my hands sparking to life with flashes of deep blue and royal violet. Orbs of lighting consumed them, igniting my veins with a deeper shade of violet as the power crawled the length of my forearms. Lighting had always been my favorite source of energy to use. It was a magnificent, bright, powerful, and deadly source of power all in one.

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