My Beautiful Family 4 (sterek)

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Chapter 4

The past two weeks after finding out about having twins has been bittersweet. Everyone knew how much I loved food before I was pregnant so being able to eat for three was blissful.

The only downfall of this is my pregnancy cravings. Unfortunately, it just happens to be the one food that I absolutely hate.


After leaving Deaton's office I've been eating pickles and mustard nonstop. If not by itself then with whatever food I eat at that moment.

Yesterday Derek and Scott caught me dipping pickles in peanut butter, mustard and ketchup. They had a look of disgust on their faces. Personally I could care less; I was in heaven.

Of course that was just me being hungry.

Today, I've been craving pickle dipped in mustard with black pepper, salt and spaghetti sauce on the side but there wasn't any pickles or mustard left.

I would call Derek but he was currently on his way to pick up my dad and Melissa from the airport.

I've already grossed everyone else out with my cravings so I'd rather not call them anyways. I guess that leaves one person.

I got up out of my comfortable position on the couch and went upstairs to go get my phone to call Deaton.

I quickly typed in his number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello Stiles, what can I do for you, is everything okay?" asked Deaton with his ever present calmed tone.

"It's an emergency. I'm out of pickles and mustard." I told him.

"Stiles. How is that an emergency? "

"Because!" I yelled while flailing my free arm around dramatically as if he could see me.

"I need my pickles and mustard. Its like I can't function without eating them. Please Deaton, Derek is almost at the airport and I don't want to disturb anyone else with my weird food choice." I said breathing rapidly.

"Ok breathe Stiles. I'll head to the grocery store. Be there soon."

"Thanks Deaton" I said gratefully.


When Derek, Melissa and my dad came home I was happily eating my desired snack of choice.

Melissa took one look at my dad's face and busted out laughing.

"Gotta love those pregnancy cravings" she said in between laughter.

Derek shook his head and kissed me on the cheek not wanting to taste what I was eating.

"How was the drive back from the airport?" I asked him when he sat beside me

"It was okay until we stopped to get some gas. You''ll never guess who we ran into when coming home." he said sneaking a glance at me from the corner of his eye.

"Who?" I asked trying to rack my brain.

Derek looked at my dad who looked at Melissa with worry.

"Scott's dad"

My Beautiful Family (sterek)Where stories live. Discover now