Chapter Three

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A week later, I was allowed to the leave the hospital.

Under complete secrecy, of course. 

My upper left arm, left thigh and right ribcage had been cleaned and the bandages taken off. I was healing at a rate similar to Steve, and they couldn't, or wouldn't keep me in the hospital any longer. It was too dangerous, with all the arrests and attacks going on.

Natasha had already talked to the press. They couldn't arrest us, not if they wanted us to help them again. Because we would be needed.

All of us.
Even me.

I was somewhat of a fugitive, I guess. Lots of people, and I means lots, hated me. And didn't trust me. And wanted to kill me. I didn't blame them. For a moment there, while I was obeying Fury's orders, I was the enemy. There was no coming back from that.

I was wearing a black hoodie, black skinny jeans, my Doc Martens, (which has managed to stay together all this time), dark sunglasses and a grey cap under the hood. Not suspicious at all.

Parts of the city were still shut off, undergoing investigations from all sorts of government officials. FBI, CIA, Interpol, everyone but SHEILD.

I was planning on meeting Natasha at a small cafe in the open part of Washington, where there wasn't much chance of being recognized. I was wearing the contact lenses Tony had made me. They were probably the best weapon I had. Without them, I wouldn't be able to actually hit my targets, or hide from the public. I had them set on Civilian Mode, which meant they had turned to a regular brown color, exactly what they were before I turned.

They made me feel a little more normal.

I had my headphones in as I walked through Washington, and for the tenth time I listened to a voice message I had received a few weeks ago, before everything went to shit.

"Hey Keight. I'm not sure if you'll get this message. Those guys in the suits gave us this number if we ever needed you. It's not an emergency, or anything. Max and I, we're okay. We miss you. Lots. We saw you on TV a couple of years ago, during New York.
You saved a lot of people, and we're proud. You never were the hero type.
Anyway, what I wanted to say was, Max and I, we're getting married in a few weeks. It's nothing big or anything. You know Max, a stinge with his money. But I know you probably can't be a bridesmaid, because of, well, you know. But I was hoping you could come. Just sit at the back, or something. But just be there. Please. It would mean the world to both of us if you were there.
If you get this, remember we love you. Don't do anything stupid. Because we know you will. So, I guess this is goodbye. Love you."

I went to play the message again, but stopped myself. I'd listened to it so many times I had it almost memorised. It had been the first time I'd heard from Bri and Max since New York. I'd always planned on visiting, or calling, but the risks always seemed to great. I was going to the wedding, even if Natasha tried to stop me. It was something I couldn't miss. Bri and Max would always be my best friends, even if we never saw each other again. But, as much as I wanted them to, they could never understand what I had gone through. Steve and Natasha, they were my new best friends, and I wasn't replacing Bri and Max. But what we want through, well, you couldn't come out of that without being best buds.

As I neared the cafe, I made a quick phone call to a moving company. My apartment would soon be searched, and the SHEILD agents I'd asked to watch over it couldn't stop that from happening much longer.
After giving them an address to send all my 5 boxes of personal items to, I spotted Natasha stirring a coffee at a small table outside the cafe. She had a long blonde wig on, and sunglasses, but I recognized the curve of her face and the smug smile she wore.

I guess we all had to hide.

I sat down without a word, and sipped the iced chocolate at already sat in front of me. She knew me too well.

Natasha cocked her head to the side and licked her lips.

"So," she mused. "How are you feeling?" I sighed, twirling the straw in my glass.

"Just a bit sore, if I'm honest," I replied, taking another sip.

"Your line of work will do that to you," Natasha said, winking under her sunglasses. I shook my head, smiling a bit and downing the sweet chocolate drink. We sat in silence for a bit longer, sipping our drinks in the small cafe in the sunlight.

Natasha cleared her throat.

"I heard your call with Steve didn't go so well," she said cautiously. I rolled my eyes in anger.

"What did Steve tell you?" I seethed. As much as I liked Steve, he got on my nerves very often.
Natasha shrugged.

"He said you were stubborn."

"I am not!"

"And reckless."

"That is true."

"And infuriating."

"That is also true."

"And that he wants to apologise."

That took me off guard.

"He what?" I asked, shocked.

"He said, and I quote, 'I know Keight likes her privacy and has personal space issues, but when she's ready to talk I'll be here.' " Natasha chewed on her lip, watching my reaction. I sighed.

"Alright, so I like my personal space. Doesn't mean I'm this fragile little girl that needs to talk about 'feelings' ". I finished my drink vigorously.

"You know he just wants to make sure you're doing ok, right?" Natasha leaned forward. I sighed.

"I know. I just, I don't know," I rested my chin on my hand.
Natasha didn't say anything, but looked around at the surrounding people, sitting at the cafe tables.
She glanced done at her phone, and frowned. Hastily, she tucked it in her pocket.

"What's wrong?" I asked, looking around. Natasha smiled.

"Nothing," she stood up, and I followed suit.

"We've got a meeting with America's golden boy."

Authors Note

Sorry its such a short chapter, I promise the next few chapters will be longer in length.


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