Chapter Twelve

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I had hoped that going to a safe house in the most forgotten country in the world would be a relaxing experience.

However, I was wrong.

I was still buzzing when Taly called us in for dinner. I didnt realise it but every poor, unfortunate soul that wandered into 7 Greenwood Avenue was expected to contribute as part of the family. Family life wasnt really something I had much experience in, and I couldnt remember the last time Id had a family dinner with everyone present, so lets just say that the first night at Greenwood Avenue was a night to remember.

I was squished in between Tasha and the older girl, who despite her mothers demands was still on Snapchat. Opposite me was Taly, who separated the two blonde girls, who were still trying to strangle each other. Next to the older girl was one of the boys, and opposite him was the other, and neither of them could keep their eyes away from the paused video game screen in the other room. At one end of the table sat Mrs Arohangi holding the toddler, while at the other end sat the old lady, who was swinging her walking stick under the table and hitting anything she came across. The room was so loud I thought my ears might explode, and my arms were being jostled from both Tasha reaching over the table to shake someones hand and the older girl trying to get the best selfie angle.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE SHUT UP WE'RE GONNA PRAY!" Mrs Arohangi slammed her free hand on the table and immediately the room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Everyone bowed their heads, and I felt both Tasha and the older girl take hold of my hands. I wasnt sure exactly what to do so I bowed my head and stared awkwardly at my plate.

"Dear Lord Jesus, we thank you for this day, and we thank you that we have such lovely guests with us, and we pray that they enjoy their stay and that my moronic children would not be a burden on them as they are on me. Amen." Mrs Arohangi opened her eyes and smiled sweetly. "Now, before you can eat, we're going to introduce ourselves like the civilised humans you are deep, deep, very deep down you are. Children, this is Keight. You've all meet Vanessa before, but please say hi." A chorus of hellos ran around the table, and Tasha echoed it back while I awkwardly waved with one hand.

"Kids, say your names," Mrs Arohangi growled, and all the children widened their eyes in unison. The older girl next to me rolled her eyes.

"I'm Mia," She drawled. When no one spoke, she nudged the taller boy next to her, and he took his eyes away from the screen for a few seconds to tell me his name was Josh, and then went back to staring longingly at the screen. The other boy did the same, telling me his name was Joel and then looking longingly at the food in front of him instead of the screen.

Next was the two girls.

"I'm Chalise and I'm seven and I like Roblox," The taller blonde one stated, clutching an old piece of cloth I think used to be a white singlet but was now a grey rag with questionable stains across it.

"I'm Crystal and I'm six and I like Roblox more than Chalise," The smaller one was sucking on a Barbie dolls arm, and the dolls head was missing so much hair I almost began to feel bad for an inanimate object. I smiled a little, but I was more disturbed about those girls then excited.

"This is Hehu, he's three, and I'm Robyn, but you can call me Mum." Mrs Arohangi tickled Hehu under the chin and he giggled a little. I guess he was cute, for a child.

"AND I'M GRANDMA WHOO!" The old lady yelled, swinging her walking stick dangerously close to my head. I ducked and tried to smile but it just came out as a grimace.

"Thanks for having us," I said quietly. No one replied, but instead began digging into their food. The two blonde girls stared at me with their big eyes, and it started to creep me out, so I looked at my food and poked at it with my fork.

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