Chapter Eleven

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When we touched down at Christchurch Airport, the first thing I noticed is that not that many people wore regular shoes, and those that did, werent from New Zealand.

Flip flops, or as Tasha called them, jandals, were all the rage, and even though the country was heading into winter many if not all the locals wore shorts and t-shirts and didnt complain about the bitter cold wind that pierced us when we went outside.

I was jet lagged as hell, and almost couldnt carry my bag properly. Because of the no smoking rule on the plane, my energy was low, and I hadnt had a chance to recharge yet. But Tasha said I could smoke as much as I wanted as soon as we got to the safe house we were living at for the duration of our stay.

Which at this point was undetermined.

Tasha led me out into the carpark, through the throngs of tourists and locals alike. I was having trouble understanding the New Zealand accent, because, after living in America for a few years, it was like learning a whole new language. Half the things they said had to be made up, surely.

"There's our ride." Tasha waved at a petite maroon haired woman standing next to a light blue Toyota Prado. She waved back, and we headed over to her, lugging our bags.

"Nat, it sure is good to see you bro." The woman stuck out her hand, and when Tasha grabbed it she pulled her into a tight hug, which Tasha reciprocated. I stood off to the side, my breathing shallow.

"Taly, this is Keight. Keight, this is an old friend of mine, Natalya Arohangi." Tasha introduced us, and I shook Talys hand.

"Good to meet you," I mumbled, too tired to say anything more. All I wanted to do was smoke and then sleep for 4 years.

"Strong grip you got there bruv. I saw the shit that went down in D.C. Stuffs pretty munted down there now, ay?" Taly said to me. The combination of jet lag and confusion meant I hardly registered what she said, and if I had, I wouldnt have known what she meant anyway. Instead, I sort of stared at her with droopy eyes. Thankfully, Tasha cut in, chatting away and putting my bags into the truck and then my sorry ass.

That was the start to my favourite, if not heart-breaking, adventure.


The truck pulled into a street called Greenwood Avenue, and the up a long smooth driveway to a back section. I noticed another silver car parked in the garage, and a small red granny car outside. How many other agents had decided to hide out here while things cooled down overseas?

"Welcome to one of two SHIELD safe houses in the South Island," Taly said proudly as she got out of the car. I grabbed my bags and stumbled from the truck, at which point Tasha grabbed my arm to steady me. We walked up the ramp and to the sliding door that served as the front door. Taly swung it open with gusto and we entered the house.

The first thing I noticed is that it was chaos.

The second thing I noticed is that there were way too many people in that house, and heres why.

There was an old woman sitting in a plush brown chair close to the TV, hitting a young teenage girl with a walking stick and asking her to turn up the volume. The girl groaned and complained how she never got the Snapchat in peace anymore.

Far across the house, past the dining table, sitting in beanbags were two boys wearing headsets, yelling into the mics and their thumbs going crazy on the PlayStation controllers they held.

A small blonde-haired girl ran out of what I assumed was hallway, holding a Barbie and sucking her thumb, only to be followed by a smaller blonde girl screaming for said Barbie doll.

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