Pt 1 S2

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"Christina I can't find my passport do you know where it is"
"Uhm it's in the safe"
"I already checked there."
I go to my bedroom and check the safe again  and there it is. I take it out in a rush and while taking it out a ring pops out. I try to think of why it was in there and where did I get it from.
"Can you come here real quick?"
She comes in the room and almost walks past me.
"Whats up"
"Is this yours?"
"Uhm no its yours"
"What? No its not I don't have a ring like this."
"I thought you gave that ring to Esther"
"What? What does she have to do with this ring?"
"Her brother gave it to you"
"When you guys dated? Y/n do you really not know?"
"no I don't "
But I really did
"He gave you that ring on the beach?"
I look at her in confusion
"Your promise ring"
"I don't recall"
"Are you serious you called me to tell me that he gave you a ring and you talked about it for like ever"
My Apple Watch vibrates and I look at the time.
"oH MY GOD we are going to be late"
"Its your private jet?" She says in confusion
"I know but the boys are already there"
"Ok well shall we go"
"We shall"
she leaves my room to get her luggage I get my passport and put the ring in the pocket of my coat in a hurry . I get my luggage and walk to the main entrance and switch the alarms on.
I walk out and the driver is there for us with the car
"Michael take care of my house please"
"Always Miss"
He smiles at me and closes my door. Out the other door I see Christina she closes the door and locks it she puts in the pin and successfully activates the system .
We leave the house and to the airports go.. We get there and I could see all the boys waiting. Daniel looks like he is calling someone. He was calling me..
I enter the airport and he sees me
"There you guys are"
"We are here. someone couldn't find her passport.." Christina says looking at me
'Yeah "
I look behind to see a white blonde choch sitting there
"You aren't going to say Hi to your sister?"
He looks up at me and smiles. I know he has been going through a lot these past few months reasons why  I begged him to come with me and the squad. He gets up from his seat and I run over to him giving him the biggest hug possible. Due to me working I wasn't able to
visit him as much as I wanted .But I called him every night to make sure he was alright. We break off the hug and I wrap one  arm around him and look at the boys and Christina.
"Well lets go people"
We walk out and go in the jet Logan sits in front of me Christina and corbs sit with each other . Jonah sits with Zach and dani sits with jack.
We stopped at Florida to fill up the jet and to walk around a bit. Later on we get back on . We then finally arrive to  the Bahamas. We rent a Party bus and a jeep. Jonah , Jack. Corbyn ,Christina and Zach all go on the party bus. I drive the jeep with Logan and Daniel. And we all head to the hotel.on our way to the hotel Daniel sparks up a conversation.
"We have missed you too" I say
"So Logan you haven't posted much" Daniel says
"Logan...... Looogan?.... LOGAN"
I shake his arm to get his attention
"OH MY GOSH WHAT you scared me"
"Daniel was talking to you"
"Oh Uhm.. yeah .. I'm just taking a break that's all"
"Oh cool....are you going to vlog this trip?"
"Uhm I don't know"
"Guys this trip is to let go of social media keep all that junk out of this trip seriously you can't let people on screens let you down it's ridiculous they just want some clout"
"Seriously logiebear let it go and be you because we all love you. I mean you are THE Maverick"
"That's true" Dani says
"Yeah I guess"
"No not guess she is right "
"So I can't vlog this trip"
"I mean you can but keep the social media on the low"
"Oh well either way brendan isn't here"
"That's not true"
We pull up to the hotel and everyone was there. Among the 5 people standing there, was a tall man standing with a camera waiting for someone to film...

YUUUHH YUHHH YUHHHH IM BACK AND WITH  A SECOND STORY. I hope you guys enjoyed this first story and please no hate on the Logan situation. Like he did a terrible thing and I have felt with stuff like that and I know everyone makes mistakes and I know no one is perfect so I come to peace with it I still love the man he has done many good things that people don't see. But that's just me lol anyways I hope you enjoyed the first chapter OMG IM EXCITED 😂 xx

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