Pt5 S2

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"Let's get some pasta"
We go to the pasta isle and have a hard time picking what kind of pasta we get. I swear we were discussing it for 20 min
"Hey that dude over there he was been eyeing you this whole time"
"You should y'all to him"
"Ah no that's not a good idea"
"Just say hi"
I turn to make eye contact with him he had hazel green eyes , tall , light skin, curly hair, and his smile was whiter then paper and that jaw line was sharper than a knife. Man oh man was he a fine fellow
I give him a smile and turn around to pick a pasta.
"Uhh Miss"
"You dropped this"
"Oh yeah thank you with out this I can't pay thank you Uhm Uh"
"My name is Alex and you are definitely not logan is that your boyfriend's or did you steal it"
"Oh Uhm no it's my brother's Logan"
"Oh nice"
"Her name is y/n she is single and she is ready to mingle this is her number have a good day"
Christian hands him a piece of paper and turns me around ,we start walking away.
"You didn't have to give him my number you don't know who he is he could be like a killer or something"
"I don't think he is"
"You don't know that"
"He gave you Logan's card back"
"So he could have like taken a picture of it or whatever"
"You haven't been with someone in over a year this could be like summer love"
"No this is my vacation I'm supposed to not think about boys and stuff"
"Yeah say that to a Daniel seavey waking up in your bed with no shirt"
"Shut up"
We finish up and meet up with the boys
We check it we had everything and we start getting in line
"Wait the Parmesan cheese we need that for that pasta"
"Then go get it" Christina says
"Ok I will be right back"
I basically run to the isle where the cheese was I get the cheese and turn around and I bump in to Alex
"Woah watch wh- oh i hi I'm so sorry"
"No it's okay" he says with a raspy voice
"Uhm I have to go"
"Uh Yes"
"This is the best type"
"Huh "
"The cheese this one is the best one here"
"Oh uh yeah thank you we will see if it is"
"Well i Uh have to go pay"
"Oh yeah me too"
"Yeah uhm yeah"
"Well are you going to go pay"
I got lost in his eyes and his smile
"Oh yeah bye"
"Wait wait wait"
"Yes"is this your actual number just asking not like ima like text you or anything because you might you know have like a boyfriend or a girlfriend you know I don't judge it's 20-"
"Yes that's my number"
I smile at him and leave to go back to the boys and Christina
"Late I already paid" jack says
"I was supposed to pay"
"No it's ok"
"Uggg... Just this cheese"
I say to the lady. I pass Logan's card by accident
"Oh shit"
"What "
"I paid with Logan's card "
"So he gave it to you to pay all this but jacks headass was like 'no I'm going to pay blah blah' He even paid my toilet paper"
"He didn't have to do that"
"You paid our stay and flight and everything"
We get to the car and we put the things in it jack and Daniel take the carts to the little cart place they have. I get a text message from an unknown number.
~unknown number~
~Hey is this y/n?
* Yes, yes it is. Who's this?
~ It's Alex the card giver Parmesan expert
• oh why hello
I smile at my home
"Who are you texting?" Jack asks
"Huh no Uhm no one"
"Oh ok"
The boys get in the car and we drive off. We get to the hotel and we get all the bags in one go but we had a thing that you would usually put your luggage on but we put the food on it. I open the door and we all come in
"What cute guy from the pasta isle?" Jonah says
"There was this one guy in the store eyeing y/n down like he wanted to"
"SMASH" Logan yells
"You don't know that"
"Neither do you"
Christina looks at me up and down
"Mmmm if I liked the woman I would smash"
"Oh gosh" Jonah says
We both laugh and take the things to the kitchen
"Alright whoever didn't go they have to put stuff away" Christina calls out and Jonah was the only one who actually went to the kitchen the rest went to pool
"You can go i got this"
"Oh no it's okay let me help"
We both start putting things away it was so awkward we didn't speak at all until Jonah broke the silence
"So cute guy from the pasta isle" he says while holding the pasta up
I laugh
"Yeah just some random dude that Christina thought was eyeing me and she gave him my number"
"Oh was he actually good looking though"
"Yeah he was"
I immediately regretted saying that
"Well THATS good I guess"
"Uhm you can go I can do the rest"
"No it's okay"
"Y/n Please"
"Oh yeah ok Uhm I'm gonna go change I will be at the pool with the rest"
"Yeah ok I'll be there in a bit"
"Are you sure I can wait for you"
"I'll finish up go change"
I leave the kitchen and go to my room. I pick a bathing suit,put it on ,get my towel and phone. I leave my room and pass once more to the kitchen where Jonah's was no where to be found. I go and knock on his door but no response...

More Than Love//Jonah Marais #2Where stories live. Discover now