Pt2 S2

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"Y/N are you serious?"
"Yes Logan I know you love vlogging and you love the Logang so you shall vlog this trip"
He gives me a hug and jumps out the Jeep and goes to Brendan. I go park the Jeep with Daniel and we get our bags. I go check in and get our rooms sorted out.
"Alright so who's with who?"
"Uhm well I'm with corbs obvi "
"Okay well are you going to share a room with one of the guys "
"Uhhh Yeah THATS not gonna work"
" I figured "
"So that's why I got the penthouse two rooms are one bed and the rest are doubled so you guys are going to double up"
"Y/n can we be together" Dani asks
"Uhm what if you guys share a room"
"Ugh Fine"
"Good good"
We all go up to the penthouse
"Okay guys welcome to your home for the next month"
"You have outdone yourself bug"
"Only the best for the best people" I say looking at Logan he pulls me in for a side hug.
"WE CALL THIS ROOM" I hear Christina
I laugh and find my bedroom. I set everything down and start to unpack my things.
"Knock knock"
"Come in"
"Y/n thank you for this"
"No problem"
"Well Brendan and I are going to explore a little"
"Okay be safe"
"Ok" Logan says giving me a hug and giving me a kiss on the cheek , he then leave the room and in comes Daniel
"Hey Dani"
"So Uhm I know you and Logan aren't like actually related are you guys like up to something"
"DANIEL JAMES SEAVEY HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK THAT he is my brother even if we don't share the same DNA"
"You are crazy"
"Yeah I am a little bit"
"You think?"
"Anyways you  left this in the car"
"Oh my coat "
"Yeah no it's what's inside the coat"
"What's in the coat"
"The promise ring Jonah gave you... you know he is talking to someone right?"
"I don't care if he is I found it this morning and I put it in my pocket. I completely forgot about that"
"Well I was thinking that maybe-"
"Dani I love you but you are like my brother I can't do that to you"
"Oh yeah no I'm not interested in you I was thinking if we could get some food I'm hungry"
"Well just order some room service"
He leaves the room and I sit on my bed and look at the ring. I get the ring and go out of my room
I go over to his room and see both Zach and Jonah unpacking.
"Hey zach I thought you were gonna be with Dani?
"Yeah I decided to stay with the big man just in case"
"I wanted to be with Logan but he chose Brendan so I had to go to the second toughest"
"Ok well can I have a minute alone with Jonah"
"Uh Yeah sure"
He walks out the room
"Thank you so much for all this y/n"
"Yeah no problem"
"Did you want to talk about something"
"Uhm Yeah Uh I found this, this morning when I was looking for my passport I just wanted to return it"
"Oh wow I haven't seen this ring in forever"
"Uhm well I don't really have anyone to give it to"
"You can like pond it or whatever get money back"
"Uhm Yeah I'll do that"
~Jonah's pov~
She leaves the room and closes the door behind her. I sit down on my bed and look at the ring and it's automatically takes me back to all the good times we had together. Jack walks in the room
"Wooahhh are you giving that to y/n again?"
"The ring"
"Oh Uh no I just found it in a pocket in this luggage"
"Yeah no I don't believe that"
"Don't believe me then i don't care"
"Yeesh someone's either hungry or tired"
"Well we are all going out  to eat do you want to go"
"Yeah I'll go"
He walks out before I do I put the ring in my luggage and leave the room. Across the living room is where y/n room is. I look at jack waiting for me at the door
"I'll meet you there"
He walks out closing the door behind him y/n is still in her room. I go to the doors because it's two glass door but you can't see in it. I stand there wanting to knock but can't do it. I go to my room and get the ring back I hear her doors open and I hear the main door open as well but it never closes I sit quiet and wait until it does. It closes. I walk out and see if she is there and she isn't. As one does I get the ring and sneak into her room I hold the ring tight and look at it and set it down on the dresser where she might or might not see it.i leave the room and go down to meet up with everyone I see that she is still waiting for the elevator so I take the stairs to get there before her.
"Jonah over here" jack says
"Was y/n still there"
"Uhm Yeah I think I'm not sure"
"She is right there"
"Where's Logan and Brendan"
"Oh they will meet us there"
And with that we all head out for some food.

I should really get an uploading schedule lol but hope you enjoy this and keep reading my peeps ly ❣️

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