Pt13 S2

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We make our way to my office and my lawyer  is sitting there waiting for me. I put my bag down on the table. I fix my blazer and shake hands with my lawyer.
"Jonah this is Jesse Woods my lawyer he graduated top of his class at Yale no you can not steal him away from me I pay him top dollar for his work, any questions?"
"Um no... uhh nice to meet you Mr.Woods" they shake hands and wait for me to sit down.
"Alright let's get started what's going on"
"Alex Jason Rimorso and Brooklyn Freida Johnson are suing you for almost a billion dollars, they are suing for harassment, getting fired question mark and emotional distressed" he looks at the folder and questions almost everything
"Umm what!"
"These people don't know what they are doing"
He hands me the report
"Yeah I can see that"
"Harassment really" Jonah says
"I know right he is lucky I'm not pressing charges for-" I stop there
"Y/n attempt of what"
"Uhm uhh nothing it's  nothing Jesse"
"Y/n please tell me"
"Assault/ Battery I was there when it happened well kinda"
"Sorry I had to"
"Tell me more"
"Y/n please"
"He  grabbed my wrist umm he ran his um hand up and Down my um Che-" I break down
"No no no it's okay I'm here" Jonah says going to the other side and hugging me
"She has the security footage"
"Uhm yeah"
"Okay well we have to press charges on him"
"Umm no DONT "
"Why not"
"Because just because"
"Uhm hey Jesse can you leave us for a moment?"
"Uhm yeah sure"
Leaves the room
"I'm here for you"
"Yeah I know"
"I'm not gonna tell you what to do but you have to press charges on him he hurt you and I've been watching you"
"What do you mean" whipping my tears
"The dude when he got close to you , you  jumped when you hugged Logan at the airport you  hesitated , when I hugged you literally seconds ago she shook a little and we've had so much history and I can see the discomfort you have when anyone is touching you"
I look at him dead in the eye and tears just fall
"Hey Hey Hey" He says
"It's okay,may I" he asks,I nod my head and I see what He meant, I jumped a little when I felt  his arms around me.He hugs me again and rubs my back a bit,I hug him back squeezing him and crying on his shoulder.
"Why me"
"Why does everything happen to me?"
"Ssshhh you have been through a lot you can do this you have overcame so much you can do this too...I'm here for you"
"Let him in"


More Than Love//Jonah Marais #2Where stories live. Discover now