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After the break up I really did feel lie I lost some friends. 'The Group' had been tight since freshman year of high school, it almost split a few years after graduation. People went separate ways for a while and we were always really busy. Dale and I dated for a little over a year, and when we finally broke up it seemed that everybody decided to choose sides. I still had Austin, and I always would. Lisa and Evan stayed with us two for the most part, but of course there would be times where they strayed to the other pack. Even Trevor was a regular, it didn't mean they would occasionally ditch me to hang out with Dale and do reckless stupid things a lot of the time. Anthony and Chris on the other hand were Dale's two best friends. I maybe hung out with them three times after the break up, and I haven't seen them in months. I missed them all a lot, hell I even missed Dale as a friend.

Dale always had weird family issues that he never talked about, just blamed them on his bad mood. It was weird and pushed me away from wanting to be with him constantly. I only ever met his parents twice. I'm over it all now. What's done is done. Now we are here, about to all be back together again for 4 days in the wilderness. I sure do hope there isn't too much drama and awkward air. May the Gods have Mercy on our souls.

"I see the turn!" Trevor yells, breaking me out of my day dream. I turn on my blinker and pull onto the gravel road that leads us to the campground. We are all bouncing in our chairs by the time we see the end of the road and the Lake peeking through the opening of trees. I pull to the side and get out to talk to the camp host and pay our dues. We drove to the farthest spot into the woods and all barreled out enjoying the beautiful forest. We get the same spot every year because of how far away it is from everybody, and because of how close it is to the lake. I usually end u being out in my boat on the lake for most of the trip. We unpacked with so much haste and hurry that the tents were up in what seemed like seconds. Everything seemed to be in its place. I looked over and the boys were shirtless and each blowing up their own rafts with a pump they were working up a sweat and making pretend work out grunts every time they pushed down on the pump. I rolled by eyes and started to get my pontoon boat off of the top of my car. If you don't know what that is, Google it, otherwise you'll just have to imagine a chair with a metal base that connects to two rafts on either side of you. There are also paddles on each side to maneuver. I finally got the heavy bastard down and reached into our cooler for a Pepsi.

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