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The boys began to get a little antsy "Riley you are coming with us too!" Trevor exclaimed as he threw me over his shoulder. I made a scene and fuss just to amuse them, I secretly loved it. Then, he threw me into the lake and I screamed like a little bitch.

"Trevor, I'm going to kick you in the dick!" I leaped out of the water and jumped on him, bringing him down with me. I will admit, I was thankful as hell that my iPod  wasn't in my pocket, because that would make me extremely sad. I swam up behind him and crawled on his back again, "wait until you are asleep asshole," He jumped away, making me fall and pretended to scream. I ran out of the water and found the nearest climbable tree I could find and ascended up it. It branches began to sway because of how high I was. "You bastard!" Austin yelled in my direction. "White Flag it or I'm never coming down!" I replied. The hung their heads in defeat and waved an invisible white flag. I climbed down and slapped both of them on the back. 

        We played in the water for a couple more hours until we were exhausted and desperately wanted more caffeine. We walked back to the camp and I grabbed a towel to ring the water out of my hair. I heard a diesel truck in the distance that was almost as familiar a sound and my own breathing. Evan approached and parked right next to my Subaru and jumped out to embrace us all in a group hug. Loud squeals that sounded like a guinea pig and a monster mixed together. How a humane could make those noises really disturbs me, but then Lisa's blonde head came bounding around the truck and joined our embrace. Finally every body released and Austin went back to eating the bag of chips he was working at like he had never eaten before. I shook Evans hand like the bro's do and he rubbed the top of my head, messing up my wet hair. I was always considered a bro in my small group of friends, which always created controversy when there was a new girlfriend added to the group. Lisa was definitely one of those girls in the beginning. She hated me at first and the fact that I could talk about video games and pooping with my friends comfortably. She thought I was going to swoop in a steal all the men from her. She got over it and fortunately we are pretty good friends now. Despite the inhumane squeals she makes on occasion. We all pitched in and helped the couple unpack and make the campsite their temporary home. Everybody was chit chatting and keeping busy. Lisa made her way over to me and asked if I wanted to go for a small walk around the campsite loop. When we were out of earshot she began to talk;

"Okay, I'm just going to skip the awkward filler conversation and go right into the awkward question," oh here we go. "Are you going to be okay with Dale and his buddies being here?" I smiled at her in reassurance. I never really understood why everybody found me so fragile. 

"It honestly doesn't bother me dude. Besides, if things get weird, I have the whole forest to myself to explore." She looked okay with my ans were and we talked about other girly things. We were giggling and turning red by the time we made it around the loop and back to our site. The boys weren't outside and we heard giggling coming from the tents. "ugh, if they are smoking weed again I'm going to go crazy. When Trevor gets high he starts talking about boobs a lot, it is so annoying." Lisa liked to go on short tangents from time to time. They always made me laugh, but they also almost always were agreeable. I held up a package of hot dogs and gestured towards her, she nodded and went on. "I just don't get it, it's not even fun, and you ac so incredibly stupid. Once he just looked at pictures of boobs for like twenty minutes on the internet and just wouldn't break from concentration..." she kept talking but this time I had to drown her out.

I was intent on cooking my hot dog over the fire and didn't even wait for it to cool before I put ketchup on it. I took a large bite and when I looked over at the boys in the tent Austin was shirtless and rubbing his nipples while staring at me disgustingly seductive like. I fucking lost it at that moment and began to choke on my food. Everybody freaked out and crowded around me, Trevor patted my back. They were shouting at me to breathe as I frantically searched for my soda, still choking. I had tears streaming down my face when I finally gasped what felt like the best breath in the world. The group applauded and fist bumped me. Lisa looked terrified.

"What was that about?"

"Sorry, Austin was just turning me on."

She gave me a funny look and started eating her own food, very carefully. I winked at her and did the same. Austin stood behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. I looked up at him and noticed him staring at something, which happened to be a car with three passengers stepping out. 

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