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Dale stared at us like we each had the black plague. Blondie wasn't with him. Corey and I stood up to face our awkward confrontation. I was brushing dirt off of my pants and about to open my mouth when Dale practically started to yell at me.

"We were wondering when you were coming back to camp? You know, your friends that you left?" Since when did he grow this sense of protection over me?

"Dale, it's really great that you are trying to look after me and all, but I was right here the whole time. You probably even heard me laughing. I'm fine." I spit back. Dale looked over the two of us again. Corey had reached over to brush more dirt from me and had his hand linger on my ass a little longer than needed. I could tell in his eyes that Dale was pissed. His ears were turning red and his foot was repeatedly tapping on the ground. A habit he had formed whenever he was irritated.

"Dude, I'm fine okay." I reached out to touch his arm. He flinched back.

"Just come back to camp babe. Make is quick." Whoa, BABE? WHAT THE FUCK? He then grabbed my hand and started to pull me back to the group. Corey somehow managed to grab me out of Dales clutches and push me behind him.

"Fuck off Dale," I yelled "And by the way, if you ever call me 'Babe' again, I will make it my personal goal to kick you in the dick!"

Corey looked shocked and ready to pounce. Dale bit his bottom lip and turned while flipping me off and walked away. I watched as he made his way to the circle of friends gathered around the glowing orange fire.

"Like I said, crazy fuckin' pricks" I mumbled kicking a rock with my toe. I stomped towards my asshole ex boyfriend.

"Riley! Hey, wait!" Corey exclaimed and bounced after me and grabbing my shoulders to face him. "That guy is a dick okay? Don't let his poor attitude ruin you."

"How do you know that?" I asked scratching my head.

"I just... know people like him." He bent down to look me in the eyes. I finally exhaled and shook me head.

"Come meet my COOL friends, disregard the ex please." He smiled and pulled me into a random hug wrapping his thick arms around me.

"Eh heh, I'm glad to know he is an ex and not a current," winking at me he straightened up and gestured towards my friends.

Even though Dale was a complete dick I wasn't going to let him completely spoil my trip. Besides, I had a new crush on a random ass stranger, and I was definitely going to flirt for my own personal pleasure. This is why I come to this magical place every year. You never know what type of memory you will always save from here. Despite the annoyance from earlier that night turned out to be amazing. Corey got along with everybody except Dale of course. After many attempts at trying to get my attention by either scowling or remarks that were completely uncalled for, he finally retired to the back of his truck with Blondie. There was a mattress and bedding in the back covered by a canopy to keep things 'private'. We all paused as he slammed the door and watched as the truck started rocking. I was the first to crack into laughter and yelled crude jokes towards the truck. Corey scooted closer to me on the bench we were sitting on. My eyes were growing heavy and I let out a shiver. Corey put his arm around me and let me lean on to him.

"Looks like somebody is getting old," Austin said while throwing a marshmallow at me. I caught it and shoved it in my mouth. "Shut up," was the only reply I could muster.

"Where is your tent?" Corey asked and I pointed to the red one and closed my eyes again. I felt my body lifted off the ground and heard a zipper being undone. I crawled into my sleeping bag and heard one last whisper before sleep consumed me.

"Goodnight Riley, I hope to see you again."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2014 ⏰

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