Chapter 5: This Just In: Not All Exes Are Evil

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love me some comments, also awsten's seeing brockhampton on his bday & that makes me happy

"How was club?" Otto asked Awsten, somewhat sarcastically but at the same time, something truly intrigued lacing his voice.

The trio currently sat in Otto's bed, his parents not planning on coming home till tomorrow morning, Saturday. Otto's parents were gone pretty often, so his room tended to be his and his close friends' sanctuary for smoking pot and having sleepovers.

His parents had agreed to Awsten and Jawn coming over almost instantly, as they had known both the kids since they were in middle school and trusted them over. They'd even left money on the counter for pizza, which all of them appreciated. They appreciated the fact they were gone even more, though.

Awsten was high off his ass, and when he was this high, he was frankly annoying as hell. Talking constantly, pouting at everything; a lot like a child in some ways. Jawn was a bit stoned, but nothing solid and he could've definitely smoked a couple more bowls before truly reaching his peak.

Otto was unfortunately still sober, despite them being at his house. The only reason though, was because Awsten smoked as much as he possibly could've, and didn't let the others have much of anything. Another thing he was when high; Greedy.

"Mm, gimme gimme." Awsten ignored the question, making grabby hands towards the pipe that Jawn had in his hands. He was currently so high that his head was in the fucking clouds, and could barely comprehend words in theory at this point.

Jawn sighed, and shook his head. "You've had more than enough. You had almost four fucking bowls all to yourself, 'cause you were hogging the pipe. I get this hit, fucker."

"Nooo," Awsten pouted. "One more hit. I wanna try to do smoke rings. Please, Jawnny?"

Jawn scoffed, then took a large hit, inhaling heavily. Awsten didn't know how he did it; he was convinced that he had iron lungs. After his hit was over though, he handed the pipe back to Awsten. "Here. One more. Then you're cut off."

Awsten smiled giddily, taking the pipe in one hand and lighter in the other, taking a pretty substantial hit; for him it would count as a lot, but in perspective it wasn't too much. He inhaled and closed his eyes, still holding onto the pipe and released his breathe, a near-burning feeling in his throat.

He almost went for another hit before Otto stole it back from him.

"Awsten, no. That was your last hit — you didn't even try to do smoke rings like you said you would. I'm still fucking sober, so no more complaints." The brunette of the group said, matter of factly. Awsten nodded as Otto inhaled some smoke himself.

Jawn was silent in agreement as they sat in the mini-circle on his bed. Suddenly, Otto spoke up again. "Awsten, you ignored me. How was the club?"

"Wh- oh, yeah." Awsten laughed, but he wasn't sure why. "It was good, I think. Lots'a people there today."

"Cool. What did you do?" Jawn continued the conversation. He didn't have much to talk about, so he figured Awsten might.

"Hm." The blue-haired boy thought to himself, pondering on his day. It was all pretty vague at the moment. "We uh, watched a movie. I think. And talked. But I didn't pay attention to it, 'cause 'somethin was... distracting... me. I think, yeah."

Otto furrowed his eyebrows. "What was distracting you, dude?"

"Someone." Awsten replied blankly.

It was silent for a few moments. The lines between comfortable and uncomfortable were blurred for a bit, but it was quickly cleared up by Awsten who spoke not too much later.

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