Art and Superpower Drabble

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Okay, so you know the thing that's like "superhero and villain are also roommates and they don't know they're nemeses and they're also dating?" It's that, except they're still just classmates and not dating at the beginning.

Evan is the superhero. He can't say he likes it or feels super confident about it, but he wears a mask, so no one knows it's him and it's nice to be able to be someone else for a little while. Besides, someone needs to do this job and he has the ability, so...
He has photokinesis (controls light) which he can use to control plants sometimes too because of photosynthesis. Basically, if he shoots the right kind of light at a plant, he can make it grow faster and otherwise control it. Sunflowers definitely turn towards him. He's more than a little frightened by his own freaky ability to sometimes blast smoking craters into walls if he's not careful, especially since he's only had the powers for like a year. He's also pretty sure he can light stuff on fire if he focuses a beam, kind of like the ants and a magnifying glass thing, but he's doesn't dare try. He always has enough light to read or draw by or whatever. It also makes caring for his potted plants easier because he can just give them sunlight no matter the season or whether they're in an area that gets a lot of natural light. He can also dim the lights if he needs to in case of sensory overload. However, during panic attacks, he will sometimes makes the lights flicker involuntarily, which freaks him out more. His supersuit is homemade and pieces together from three or four old Halloween costumes, but he's pretty good at sewing and his mom helped, so it looks pretty good.

Connor is the supervillain. Not because he has any evil intentions or anything. He just needs to blow off some steam sometimes. The worst things he's done are loiter and underage smoking and maybe occasional vandalism if he really hates the place (you know, like the school). It's nice to be able to wander around at night, and the human flashlight who comes to stop him from causing possible trouble is pretty fucking cute. Yes, he knows it's his friend and crush. No, he's not about to tell him. He thinks it's cute, this other, more open side of Evan.
Connor has telepathy and telekinesis and a quality supersuit (his family has money and connections and he really doesn't want to give himself away). He's had his powers since birth, so he's gotten used to controlling them, even if it meant endless visits to doctors to figure out what was going on. He makes sure to disguise his voice, even telepathically, because he's really enjoying this and doesn't want to ruin it for Evan. He also tries really hard not to seriously injure him. There are times he'll be having a bad night and be on edge, so he'll run before he loses his temper and does something he'd regret.  Usually, he throws rubble that he knows Evan can dodge and tosses him around and stuff, but that's about it. He also has charmspeak, which he might use to get Evan to make out with him one of these days. Maybe. Probably when they have the masks on, so if Evan hates it, it was the bad guy, not his friend.

They patch each other up after battles a bit, but they don't really need to. Again, Connor doesn't want to hurt Evan, who can't usually do more than singe him. Connor also gets in enough petty fights at school that he can usually pretend that's the reason he's banged up.

Obviously, they start dating in civilian form and accidentally discover the secret identities when Connor finally charmspeaks Evan into kissing him during a battle. Basically, Evan heard his charmspeak voice as just his normal voice, without the usual supervillain modification. Also, Connor can't really help it that he kisses the same either way. Evan pulls away afterwards,
"Why--why didn't you, didn't you tell me?"
"Tell you what?"
"Shut up, Con--Connor. I'm not stupid." Then they pull off the masks and have a heart-to-heart and make out more, probably on some rooftop.

Also, it turns out Evan finds the charmspeak really hot (which is the point of charmspeak, of course), so that happens a lot more in their dating life.

Alana and Jared are the friends trying to figure out who these supers are, to little success. Alana is trying to be a good journalist and do actual research and not jump to conclusions. Jared is shipping their super personas long before Evan and Connor are dating, even. He'll jokingly compare the two (at the time, nonexistent) couples.
"Bet you wish you could just mind-zap your feelings into Evan's head, don't you, Murphy? It would save you all that messy coming out business, and you wouldn't even have to talk to him. You could avoid his super flustered reaction, because I promise you, he's been crushing on you since middle school. There's so much sexual tension, I can almost see the sparks fly. Hey, kind of like how Lightboy's powers went haywire the first time he looked at Mindfreak. Now there's a couple who knows about sexual tension. You guys should do double dates sometime."
Zoe knows all about the whole thing and frankly doesn't care. If her brother wants to go running around in the dark in his pajamas, she's not going to bother to stop him. She does do him the service of not telling their parents, though.

After the reveal, they keep fighting as hero and villain, partially because of media attention that, but mostly because it helps them blow off steam while also admiring each other in tight-fitting supersuits. These battles only sometimes turn into kissing on the rooftops and looking at the stars. Evan does have other things to do as a superhero, after all.

Alright, I also drew some fanart that I'm pretty proud of. It's like, covers for certain songs. I have four so far:

 I have four so far:

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I think Disappear is my favorite so far

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I think Disappear is my favorite so far. I plan to make more, but if you want to see them, you'll just have to follow my art Instagram Scrip.Strel, if I'm allowed to do a bit of self promotion.

Thanks for putting up with all this!

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