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3 years later...

Sam PoV

It was now my senior year in high school, Amber and I were still going strong after 3 years together and my Grandma had only been back from the Caribbean a couple of months, (don't even get me started about why she gone that long).

Dad was still in a coma and it looked like he was never coming out of it, I had won 2/3 titles I fought for... Literally, and now at this point I had a 2 year old uncle at the tender age of 17.

I had been watching NCIS on tv, because I liked the show and everyone in it seemed to care about each other, though I must've fallen asleep, because my Grandma was being loud after a couple of tequilas, (that was nothing new to me though).

There was a calm voice and an angry voice behind me, both were arguing about me, (I heard my name in the argument but that was about it), I then turned around to see that Dad was there.

"Hey Baby"
"When did you...?"
"A couple of hours ago Sammy, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact you're 17 now"

I then ran to Dad, I gave him a hug, and I started to ball my eyes out, I couldn't tell you why I was crying so damn much, but I knew that I needed it, plus bottling that up does nothing for nobody.

"Hey, Baby, I'm ok, you're ok, we're both ok-"
"Why is she crying?"
"Mom just fuck off, ok, Sammy's just overwhelmed is all, isn't that right Sweetheart?"

All I could do was nod my head as talking just seemed too much for me right then.

"Ok Baby, ok, (kisses forehead), shit, Sammy, Baby, I'm so sorry, I need to sit"
"I'm sorry"

Dad then sat down on the couch, sat me on his lap, and then I buried my face into Dad's shoulder as I always felt safe in my Dad's arms, (as any little girl would be), (well unless your Dad's a dick then like maybe not).

"Hey, no, don't be sorry Baby, I'm just not used to standing anymore, (kisses forehead)"
"I love you"
"I love you too Sweetheart"

Dad and I sat there for a while, Grandma went back to bed as she was about to pass out anyway from all the alcohol that she had consumed, (honestly I don't know how she drove herself and Dad home from the hospital), I kept having to pinch myself every so often to remind myself that I in fact wasn't dreaming as Dad was actually out of a coma.

"Sammy Baby, please don't pinch yourself that hard, you're going to give yourself scars"
"Sorry, I was just making sure I wasn't dreaming Dad"
"Oh Baby, I'm sorry-"
"Don't be, because to be fair you were just doing your job as a Dad"
"I know, (kisses forehead), anyway Sweetheart, you should probably be in bed as you were asleep when we came in"
"No no, I'm awake now"

Dad then stood us both up, it was like he knew that I was too tired to fight him on it, but I didn't want to sleep as I didn't want to find that it was just a dream after all, (is that weird for me to have felt that way?, probably but I cannot change how I felt).

"Honey, I know that you feel like you will miss out on something if you go to bed now but I promise you that I'm going to be asleep very soon as I feel exhausted"
"This might seem weird but can I sleep with you tonight?"
"Of course you can, you don't need to ask me"
"I mean it's only polite to ask you Dad, you know"
"Yeah I know Sweetheart, I know"

So Dad dragged me up the stairs as I was more tired than I cared to admit to myself, (honestly it felt like the lack of sleep from the last 3 years had piled itself upon my brain), he even tucked me into bed as he was in Mother henning me, (that was probably to do with the fact that Papa bear mode was very near being switched on at this point).

"Yeah Baby"
"This is real, right, like you're actually back"
"Yes Sweetheart, it's real, I promise you that it is"
"Ok, I love you Dad"
"I love you too Baby"

That was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep, which was probably the best night's sleep that I got since Dad was in a coma, though that's probably because I actually felt safe to do so, ( that probably doesn't sound too good but I'm only saying it because it's true, you know).

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