Party Island Ep. 2

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Guest :
Sarah Jeffery as Kerry
Harry Styles as Bill

Previously on Scream Queens:

"let me formally welcome you guys to blood island"
Chanel talks up,
"last I remember, Brock lost his beautiful head, no offense"
"this was planned beforehand, so instead we'll have a week of relaxation "

Flash to...

Chanel's plane lands as the blood island dust roared. She walks off with her suitcase and removes her glasses,
"Farway, grab my luggage, I'll be checking in at the resort we discussed "
Aiden fixes his tie in the woods as his white suit reflects in the sun,
" hello Blood island, your name is quite ironic to what I'm about to do"
He sees Farway walking up with some bags, he sneaks up on him and grabs him from behind pulling him into the bushes and repeatingly stabbing him in the chest and face.
"everything okay? " Zayday asks Chanel
" no, Farway forgot two of my luggages, and he leaves tonight"

Flash to...

Zayday pauses and puts on her shades,
"#5" she sighs, "Libby!"  she yells startling #5 a bit who is looking and acting a bit paranoid, "Aiden isn't here, he probably thinks we're still back in America"
"Are you sure? " #5 asks," because last time I checked, the Red Devil hid in my car when I tried to leace campus"
"look, Dean Munsch promised top-notch security" Zayday sighs "I wouldn't even have thought to come here where there are so many bushes for a killer to hide, if Munsch hadn't promised that"

Flash to...

#5 stops typing on her computer, she ponders, on the screen she has,' Slasher for life'.
She breathes heavily as she looks through her gallery to find a photo of her and Aiden, a tear falls on the screen.

Flash to...

Across from #5's room, a door with a keepout sign stood,
" I wonder what's behind here " Carol says
" probably work stuff" Rita says snarky
"with a keepout sign on it? "
" just mind your own business, why don't you! " Rita struts off down the hall
Hester emerges,
" what are you doing by there, noone is aloud in there"
Carol jumps as she turns around,
"sorry, I was just... uhm" she turns a walks to #5's room,
"hey, that Hester chick's creepy"

Hester checks if the door is still locked before walking off down the hall.

Flash to...

#3 watches from a distance before heading back into a room and closing the door, on the door a keep out sign dangles.

"see you haven't changed a bit Chanel " Zayday says
" why should I? " Chanel rolls her eyes
"any sign if him? "
" nope, looks like they already left" Chanel huffs and turns around, "thanks anyway"
"did you just say thanks " Zayday places her hand on her chest and opens her mouth in disbelief, sarcastically
" let's go, before I take back my gratitude"
They both know laugh as they walk off, Aiden walks up to where they were standing,
"soon my dearies, you'll all be gone to a better place.

"she's coming for you Grace" he says as he takes his last breath
"me! "

Flash to...
" there was a Chanel #4 but she got meningitis... Then she died"

Flash to...
The Red Devil burst from above her, through a vent, landing on top of her, he raises his knife, just as a shot is heard. The Red Devil's knife drops as his body falls lifeless.

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