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(Future!Abby x Male!Reader)

(My art above)

Abbys pov

It was a normal day of the year 2085. And i was drinking a cola while slashing peoplez throats. Being IE i am the Purple Leader. My Leader is Red leader, AKA Tord. He can....well...be a bummer at times. Right now im killing people at the yellow army. Im killing them like it isnt a problem. Because it isn't. Its Fucking fun to hear screams of dying people. One of my shoes are missing, my clothes are ripped up but thats how i choose to be. The reason why i haven't betrayed Tord was 2 reasons. One being im scared of him and two being one of his soliders. That soliders name is (Y/N)! He is a sweet man. Really shy, kind and afraid to die. I love him but i must remain strong. I must not go Weak. It bothers me that i love such a young man. I mean.... Im only 101, and i still pack a punch. I feel like im 20 again! I wont die for awhile because of my robotic heart. Also....i may age but my looks and body wont age. I still look 20. But all is good.

Anyways...back to killing people in yellow...

-time Skippy-

Your pov

I was walking the halls or the red base. Pat and paul told me that leader wanted to see me. Once i enter his office is sit down. He clears his throat and says "(Y/N).....sweet innocent, (Y/N).... Its really funny ya know?" i shook my head no. He luaghs "The Dear purple leader has a crush on....well....you." i feel heat rush to my face. "R-really?" i stutter out. He laughs again. I do like her. Shes smart,brave and very strong.

"Ya know....i didn't think a girl like her would be so.... Weak." he says with a chuckle. I don't think she's weak. I think shes quite strong for how old she is. I mean....101 isn't that old. Someone in norway a few weeks ago just turned 405! And she can still kick ass!

Purple leader still has youth. I know it. Red leader knows it. Both armys know it. The world knows it. And she made that VERY clear. She killed the green leader to prove it. Thats how her and red leader became friends....

-1 week later-

Abbys pov

Welp. Thanks all mighty Shit leader! Tord has assigned me with (Y/N). Maybe its time to confess.... He sits by me in the car. Paul and pat are taking us to the Brown base. I sigh. "Hay (Y/N).....i need to tell you that....i-i-i love....i love you..." and i kiss him.  Soon enough he kisses back. We pull apart and he says,

"Your not weak your Stronger than you think"

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