Part 11

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 The next morning I woke up earlier than usual . I wore my light blue shirt and blue jeans. MAx woke up and walked into my room.

"Did dad come last night?" he asked with a yawn

"How am I saposta know ?" I snapped back at him.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, the bus will be here in 5 minutes so get ready" he said as he left the room.

The doorbell rang. I thought it was dad. I was excited that he was home. Much to my surprise I saw him again, and by him I mean Cody. he was standing in front of my door with a bundle of roses. I looked at him for a few minutes then slammed the door on his face. He kept knocking and ringing the doorbell. I opened the door and stormed out of the house with my backpack and my brother then left to the bus stop. At the bus stop max asked me " Who is he ? he keeps calling you like a broken toy."

"I don't know him, most probably a tourist or something like that." I said as I hoped on the bus and took a seat. I felt weird knowing that he was looking at my every move.

The bus stopped and everyone who went to that school went off. He kept following my brother and I. My brother finally snapped. He turned around and yelled "DUDE ! just stop following my sister, she is not interested so bug off!" 

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