Part 25

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I woke up the next morning fully rested. I wore a tank top and leggings. I knew that they were going to medure my body so I wore loose clothing. When I went down stairs I saw max eating a waffle. He stuffed one inside my mouth.

"Okay! Okay! Ill eat." I said with a mouth full of waffle. I swallowed it followed with a big gulp of water. We left outside to wait for the bus. After a few minutes the bus came and we sat down. "What's your class doing for the school festival ?" I asked max.

He sighed then said "A dumb haunted house."

I laughed then said "I'll make sure to stop by your class on my break."

" Har har har. What is your class doing huh?" he asked

"A butler and maid sweet cafe and i'm sadly stuck as a maid ." I said with a sigh

"Yum! I'm definitely going to your booth and I want you to serve me." he said with a chuckle

The bus stopped in front of the school and we walked in.

"See you at lunch taylor." he said with a wave

I walked into my classroom as soon as the bell rang.

"Okay class there are 2 days until the school festival. Today we will be finishing costumes and start planning setup and menus all day today." said the teacher with an excited smile.

Everyone then gathered into groups "Taylor over here!" yelled a girl with a pencil tucked into her ear.

I walked up to her.

"Cody will be taking your measurements kay?" she said with a smile.

My face turned red.

Cody walked over to me with a measuring tape. "Are you ready?" he asked

"Y..y..yea s..s..sure." I stuttered still red.

He first measured my height. Then width. Next he measured my thighs. I could feel his cheek against my stomach as he measured my waist. He was so close. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. After he was done during me, he got up and whispered in my ear "by the way taylor. You have a very nice body."

My face turned red as a tomato. "S..s..shut up coby.."

The whole class was full of excitement and a happy Aura. "Lunch Break!!" the teacher yelled. Everyone shuffled out of the room, tired and hungry. "Want to have lunch together?" cody asked.

"Whatever I don't care." I said walking out the classroom. I walked to max who gave me a soft pretzel. "Eat up." he said with a smile.

We sat down and talked about max's drawings. He was really good at drawing. Cody never showed up at lunch. I was pretty curious. This new emotion came over me. I have never felt like this before. I felt weird, all twisted up inside. Whenever I thought of him flirting with another girl or kissing another girl I felt this emotion. The bell rang. We left the benches and walked back inside the classroom. When I sat down at my desk cody was not there. I got worried. Class started and people kept organizing for the festival. Cody did not show up all class. After class was over everyone stormed out with chatter so loud. I walked over to the teacher and asked her "what happened to cody ?" 

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