Part 18

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I woke up the next morning to max shaking me. "I'm up! I'm up!" I yelled.

"Hurry before the bus leaves." he said as he pushed me off the bed.

I stood up and picked my clothes "get out I need to change pervert." I said with a chuckle

He left the room with a laugh. After I got my clothes on and put my backpack on my phone rang. It was a text from cody that said "Hey Taylor I saved your number from last night. Good luck on the test tomorrow."

Crap. I forgot today was the exams and I did not get enough sleep.I ran out of my room, grabbed a waffle and ran to the bus stop. Max was right behind me. The bus was about to leave but we jumped on right on time. I spent the whole bus ride getting last minute studying on.

"Are you okay ? you seem a little stressed." Asked Max

"I'm fine just forgot that exams are today." I said with a sigh and yawn.

The bus ride was quicker than usual. I got of the bus and waved goodbye to max. When I entered my class I found Coby sitting there with a mini ponytail and hypnotic glasses. I could not help but let out a small chuckle. He turned to me " Hey beautiful, you should smile more it's cute.'' he said with a smile and wink.

I rolled my eyes " Ready for the test pretty boy ?"

He gasped and said " So you do think i'm pretty!!"

My face turned a light shade of pink "S..shut up!" I stutterd.

He laughed then turned back to the front.

"Okay class, today you all will be taking the exams. I hope all of you had a good night's sleep and ate a good breakfast. I will be passing the testes out. If you talk I assume you are cheating and will take your test away." said the teacher as she passed out a thick packet of questions.

"You may begin" she said with a smile.

The whole class was working hard. Finally, the bell rang and everyone stormed out. I was expecting max to be out but he was not. I was not worried though, he is a tough guy. I sat and ate the waffle I had for breakfast. Cody laid at a tree that was about 10 feet away from me. I'm pretty sure he did not notice me. He was quiet for a few minutes which got me curious. I went over to check what was going on. He was asleep. I brushed the hair off his eyes. He grabbed my arm then laid me down on the gas. Next thing I know he is on top of me holding me down.

"Wh..what are you doing?" I said.

He smiled then said "you know.. If you wanted a kiss you could have just asked, and I would have gladly gave you one."

My face turned as red as a ripe tomato. " I was..not trying..too." I tried to explain but couldn't.

The bell rang. He kissed my cheek and got up "Got to go babe, tell me when you're ready for that kiss" he said as he ran off to the school.

I layed there flustered, like a dead person. "Stupid cody...." I said as I got up and slowly walked back to class. 

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