Chapter 4 kidnapped

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Enya's POV

It was a nice day outside as I sat in my room looking at Tord's pictures, yes I stole his phone, you would think I'd text people and make them hate him but nah.
"Oh his got Olivia's number... and mine...." I was slightly surprised he had my number considering he hates me, you could tell on the way he attacked me on the battlefield... He ripped my wings to the point that I can hardly glide with them. He had sliced my right eye straight through the middle, making me go blind in that eye. I had got a good hit or two on him, like slicing half way through his left arm and the other one was through his chest. I was thinking about all the damage that had been done while rolling up my left sleeve seeing a massive fresh looking slice
"Still hasn't healed huh?" I said as I touched the wound, wincing in pain as I let go. I stand up and go to the bathroom connected to my room and look in the cupboard to see bandages, I take them and tightly rapped them around my wound and hoped for no pain but to my bloody luck it felt like it had just been cut again and again.

10 minuets later...

I walked downstairs, out the door and to the park. I walked to the pond and sat down a duck walking up to me, I took out a piece of bread and gave it to the duck, it slowly took it out of my hand and ate it, it then snuggled up to me, I just smiled and patted its head and looked into the water. I see another duck swim over
"I think it's time for you to go buddy" I said as I turn to the slightly shorter duck, I lifted it up and placed it in the water, waved goodbye and walked away. I was walking down the path that led to the woods until I heard something behind me, I pounced backwards noticing that it was nothing
"It must be my mind playing games with me..." I said as I walked into the woods.

1 hour later...

I was walking to the entrance of the woods when I heard a stick being trod on, I spun around facing a Fox
"Oh..." I said as I walked backwards a little surprised. Just then I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and then everything went black...

2 hours later...

I woke up feeling uncomfortable, I looked to see my wings and tail chained to the floor. I hear someone walk up to me and immediately recognise the smell of smoke
"Red Leader..." I growled as look towards the smell of my annoying enemy.
"Oh you are awake" Tord said surprised I just glare at the Norwegian Red Leader in front of me
"Paul turn the lights on" he said as the lights suddenly turn on not giving me time to adjust to it.
"What. Do. You. Want" I said menacingly at the enemy.
"what do you want..." I repeated lowly making it turn into a growl
"Oh nothing that bad, aside from coming back with me to the Red army" he said casually
"WHAT!" I shouted as I start to fiddle with the rope tying me to the chair, that's when someone from behind tightened the chain on both my wings and tail, I winced in pain like earlier when I touched the slice in my arm.
"Also you wouldn't want one of your precious soldiers dying would you?" He said with a wicked smile
"W-what?!" I said quietly so he couldn't hear me. He showed me my left hand lady, June.
"Let. Her. Go..." I growled my tail waking the person behind me and knocking them out... I think. My eyes now turning a blood shot red
"Now that's the Enya I know and adore" he said while smirking. I just growled at him
"I will never go with yo-" I said cutting myself off while patryk i think his name was put a knife to June's neck
"N-NO!!" I shouted while the stupid black goop started to spill from my eyes, my eyes changing to a grey colour
"B-BLUE LEADER!!!" June shouted as she got out of patryk's grip and ran over to me, trying to clear the goop from my eyes, soon being successful but then knocked out by the Red Leader himself. I just sat there to finally get my sight back, soon being successful.
"J-June?!?" I asked worriedly  looking around frantically just to be met with Tord's amused face
"So what's your choice?" He thick accent making it hard to understand.
"I've already said, NEVER" I growled looking straight into the Commies red and grey eyes
"Oh you must have misunderstood, you don't have a choice!" He whispered into my ear before knocking me out again...

I'm finally done with this chapter... 838 words

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