Chapter 7

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Paul's POV

It has been a week since Tord had started regretting his choice.... to have her arm amputated, we all knew that it was for the greater good but something was... off... I didn't know what but I knew something bad has happened from that choice...

I walked to the medical department to see Red sitting next to her bed... she still hasn't woken up or even had a sign of movement...
"So... how is she??" I asked quietly, knowing that he was regretting every second of his choice.
"She hasn't even moved..." he said looking up at me, bags under his eyes. I look over to see her almost lifeless body... somethings wrong... I walk up to her and start checking her body for something... anything to find out what's caused her to go into this coma type phase. I look at the pillow to see it smothered with blood under her head... a head injury... I lift her head up as I see a massive open slit at the back of her head... she was loosing blood... quickly... I look over at Tord.
"What did you do when you were training with her?!" I shouted as I turned on my walkie talkie.
"Soldiers of the medical department, Blue Leader, room #599 is bleeding out from an unexpected head injury!" I shouted as I put pressure on the wound, hearing a groan of pain coming from the the body below me. Tord on the other hand is having a panic attack.

Soon a group of soldiers ran in and lifted her up placing her on a moveable bed (I don't know what to call them) then raced her to an emergency room and began their surgery...

I look over to Tord on the verge of tears. I walk up to him and hug him tightly, just like when he was little... he slowly put his arms around me and broke, he was sobbing on my shoulder now as I rubbed circles into his back. He had been keeping all of this in for a while now... and now... he's finally broke.

He soon pulled away and went to see if he could see Blue Leader. Me on the other hand, went to see Patryk to see if he was all right. I walk into our room to see Pat on his phone texting someone.
"Who ya texting??" I asked sitting on our bed next to him.
"Just an old friend.." He said looking down.
"Hey... love... what's wrong? You can talk to me..." I said leaning over and kissing him on the lips.
"W-well she's from the Blue army... and well I've just learned that one of Blues best friends and soldiers had died from cancer not to long ago and had fallen into depression." He said trying not to cry... he always was the emotional one in the relationship.
"What was his name??"
"Zane... Zane Dimondheart" He replied taking his time. A train of realisation hit me... that was Lloyd Dimondheart's brother... one of the new red soldier recruits. I slowly rise from the bed. I walk out of the room and to the medical department, I walked into Blue and Red talking a little.
"Hey Blue Leader, hello Red Leader" I said as I walked in and sat down.
"Tord can you go out of the room quick I want to talk to Paul" Blue said as he turned to me. Red got up and walked out.
"What did Pat tell you?!" She shouted.
"You heard me what did he tell you?!" She ordered.
"About Zane..." I said looking down at the ground. She began to tear up.
"I still cant b-believe that he d-died..." She sniffled.
"AND ITS MY FAULT FOR LETTING HIM DIE!!" She shouted and curled up in a ball.
"Hey it wasn't your fault... it wasn't anyone's fault for his death." I said as I rubbed circles onto her back.
"Heh just like Tord..." I said as she pulled away slowly.
"What?" She asked
"You act a lot like Tord. You have a curtain way of staying formal, you both have grey eyes and you act like him when I go to calm him down." I say answering her little question.
"Do I?"
"Oh... that doesn't make sense at all..." She said looking at the door.
"You can come back in now!!" She shouted to Tor- Red Leader outside the door. He walked in and walked up to me... oh no... he then back slapped me. Enya got up and and punched Red in the jaw.
"Paul leave..." Red said before turning to Blue... I hope she'll be alright...

Enya's POV

I stood up for Paul which I thought would be a good choice at first but ended out going horribly wrong.

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