Chapter 1: Exiled, Unescapable Fate

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Reader's POV:

-cloudy and stormy night-

Sfx: thunder

Leader of the corrupted angel tribe:
"This child! Has to die! It is forbidden to have a half corrupted and light angel!! It must be destroyed!"

Sfx: child crying

-the child has the wings of both a corrupted and a light angel. light wing on the right and corrupted wing on left side-

-the leader of corrupted angels released his sword from the sheet and slashed at the child-

Sfx: sword slash being stopped by a barrier

"Who dares interferes! Dispatch your magic at once!"

-he looked at the child in shock-

-both of the child's wings are white-

-slash at the child again but when the blade is 1 inch away from the child it was consumed by darkness and turned into ashes-

-now both the child's wings are pure black and he stopped crying as a killer's aura emerged from him-

"The prophecy! This child! This! This is- he will be the prophecied emperor of darkness!!"

-everyone was shocked-

Sfx: whispers and mutterings
"Impossible" "how could this be!?"
"Can you believe it!?"
"This will be interesting..."
"The prophecy!" "It was real!?"

After a long discussion of the elders and the leader of the tribe a messenger spoke to the center without hesitation:

"It must be exiled together with it's parents and be trained so it can destroy our rivals!"

"Hooray! Destroy those light angels! He will be the greatest weapon!"

Sfx: cheers of the corrupted angels(except for the relatives of the child and his parents)

"But what is the child's name!?"

"Mihile... My wife said to me before she died earlier... He shall be named Kuwareta Mihile!"

"Very well... Be exiled and train him he must be a legendary killer who will be knowed throughout runaterra!"

"Fine! but we shall come back when he is ready but with 2 condition! This must be a secret that will not be revealed throughout runaterra until he is prepared! And the second... His true strength must be sealed until he can fully control it..." Said the father

"Granted! We will seal him now!"

-6 guys with hooded robes created a hexagon, with Mihile in the center and together they said spells and magical fire appeared and encircle Mihile while they sealed the core of Mihile with a tube from another light angels chest which is filled with the light angels healing liquid to seal the extremely dangerous corruption inside of him-

-mihile and his father we're exiled and had lived onto different villages they hid their wings inside of their back like a sacred seal to hide ones Identity-

-while they were traveling, back in the village... Every corrupted angels died because of an ambush that the light angels planned when they found out about Mihile and the village was left in ruins as the light angels seek, the fated dark emperor-

(An: hi guys! This will be the start of everything, it's only the intro though)

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