Pesona: The Awakening

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Sneek peek on what's happening inside Mihile

not chapter 10 okay?

Reader's POV:

-A guy that looks like Mihile but has both light wings, is kneeling on the ground on the most pathetic fashion, it's because both the end of his arms and legs are shackled like his neck, his body represents a body of a 21 year old man that is physically fit even in shackles he looks like he's been at the gym for a few years-

Light Angel Mihile's POV:


"It's dark... But, it's not as bad as it seems" -In a deep but soothing and relaxing  voice-

"But still... It's boring here..."

"Why am I in a situation like this anyway?"

"Am I sealed or something? Ugh... Being isolated is boring me to death..."

"Can you shut up?" -In a deep but in a more intimidating voice-


"I would rather be isolated than having you here keeping me company..."

-a few meters away from him was Darkin Mihile, they were in the same position like looking through a mirror, the only difference is the color of their wings and that Darkin Mihile is more intimidating completely opposite of Royal Guardian Mihile-

(AN: tell me your thoughts... Is Darkin and Royal Guardian better than Corrupted and Light Angel Mihile?)

"I feel the same way as you are, I also dislike you"

"Who said I dislike you?"

"Then you don't dislike me?"

"I don't, but..."

"But what...?"

"I hate you..."

"I figured as much..."

"You good for nothing light bulb"

(Because their are suppose to be surrounded by darkness but Royal Guardian Mihile has his own light making it quite bright which Corrupted Mihile hates so much)

"At least, I'm not surrounded by Darkin slaves, unlike you I'm pure... Like light!"

(Darkin Mihile is surrounded by Shadow like figures that are suppose to be his slaves)

"Ugh... A typical Virgin... Pure like light? Hah! Humans only see what the so called "pure light" wants them to see..."

"Unlike darkness, light let's humans see, you don't seek friends, you seek annihilation..."

"You don't seek Allies, you seek slaves..."

"Hmpmh! This is ridiculous a Guardian wasting his breath to a Darkin..."

"A Darkin is better than to waste time with this good for nothing light bulb..."

-after the argument, both of them grew silent-

-sounds... Weak sounds of footsteps that grew louder each second-

"Have you two in good terms yet?"

"I rather destroy my wings than be in good terms with him...!"

"Ah yes, a Guardian and a Darkin? Be in good terms? Of course! A hundred percent plausible..."
-Exaggerating tone-

"Hmmm I see... If you both don't get in good terms soon I will have to make special treatment..."
-Human Mihile made a half intimidating gaze at both of them, it was so scary that it made them agree to be temporarily in good terms (forcefully)-

"Fine... Let's be in good terms then, okay?"

"Ugh... Why do I have to do this..."

-as Darkin Mihile muttered Human Mihile made an intimidating glare at him-

"Fine... Fine... I'll do what you want..."

"Good... Then it's settled!" -Made a warm smile that made it a more weird scenery-


(AN: Yeah now you have a clue about their personalities and yeah personas are like the other selves of beings like Mihile after all, Mihile is a special being, I don't want to say what he is exactly at least I won't say it now, I mean type not say LOL)

(AN: BTW if you're confused, in this timeline Mihile is pretty much an adult, but chapter 1-present(except this chapter) is the present, it's more like I just gave you guys a peek at the future, I just felt like making something as random as this... I mean in my favorite manga, it has a lot of unexpected random chapters but it's still related to the story but just makes it really funny...)

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