Chapter one

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Author chan gave up on chapter names in her last fanics.


You sit all alone on the rough log. War was hard. You had watched your brother, your only friend, your only living family member, go off to war a year ago.

"I'll write to you whenever I can (Y/N)!" He yells as he is driven away in a taxi cab. 

You wave back, almost crying. You had waited every day. The mail came, but it wasn't' his letters. The mail came, no letters. It went on like this for weeks, then months. You started to give up hope. Then one day...

"A letter?" You say as you open the letter, with the official military stamp and seal on it.

"A discharge maybe! Or he got promoted?!" You say with excitement, as sit down on the small chair.

Oh no.

"We are sorry for your los-" You stopped. You couldn't do it. No matter how many times you tried you couldn't read those words out loud.

All the sound that you made for the rest of the day was screams. You didn't cry, you only yelled out in anger and frustration, sorrow and sadness. You didn't close to others, but in the middle of a forest, and even the mailman had a hard time getting to you. You ran outside, with only the clothes on your back. It had started to snow.

Now you were stuck in the middle of nowhere and had no clue how to get back. Your loss of your brother was devastating, but you had to worry about staying alive now. It was so hard though, your will to live depended on his smile, for him to come home safe, and to tell you stores of all the things he saw. You wiped the tears from your eyes. Your brother would have wanted you to stay strong.

But by now, it was getting dark, and the storm was only picking up. You crawl down behind the large, dead tree log. At least it was something. You pull your legs closer to your chest and bury your head. A coat and a scarf. They wouldn't last you very long. Just when you thought you were surely going to die of the cold, you heard footsteps. They were loud over the sound of the wind, and you figured it was a wild animal, like a bear, so you peeked over the log. It was a man. A big man at that. He was wearing a large coat and hat, and had glasses. He looked scary to you, so you didn't move. But apparently, the people in Norway can see through the snow like some superhuman, because he walks right towards you. You jump up and run. You try your best to not trip over anything, and it works. But it didn't help much since the man was much faster and quickly caught up with you. He grabs you by the waist and pulls you in the opposite direction, the direction he came from. 

Being panicked slightly, you revert back to your native tongue, Italian. You had come here when you were thirteen, so you knew good Italian and Norwegian, and English too! Your brother had been set on teaching you English since it was a universally spoken language for the most part.

"Hey Hey Hey! Mettimi giu adesso! Io non ti conosco nemmeno!" You screech, trying to get him to hear you over the wind and snow. (Apologies from Author chan if anything is spelled wrong, my keyboard has no special marks like the dashes over the "u" or anything, and google translate is all I have to go by here;;; Translation at the end of the chapter.)

He stops and looks down at you.

"Italian?" He says in confusion.

You realize your translation mistake and yell back in English.

"Put me down Pedo!" You screech, assuming this guy kidnaps children.

I mean your were eighteen but you looked younger.

"I'm helping you." He states flatly and keeps walking.

You huff and squirm under this guy's arm but to no avail. He big and scary, and looks were not deceiving in this case. He sure is strong.

"My name is Berwald Oxenstiern, and what is yours?" He askes.

Was this guy really trying to make small talk when he literally just kidnapped you?

"Not saying, I don't give my name out to random people who kidnap children."

"You are not a child." He says.

"How do you know?" You retaliate.

He stops walking and you swore you saw a blush come onto his face.

"I just figured, since, uh, nevermind, not important." He says, averting his eyes.

You take a second to figure out what he meant. You look down at yourself. How could he...

Oh gosh.

"YOU'RE A PERV TOO WHAT THE HECK MAN" You scream over the now louder snow and wind.

Mother nature had been kind to you, but this was just, ugh.

He doesn't say anything in return and continues walking. How long he walked for was unclear.

Soon you reached a house, a big house. You squinted at the house and saw a figure running out of it. The person was waving their arms and yelling.

"YOU FOUND SOMEONE?! I TOTALLY THOUGH YOU WERE JOKING NOR!" He yells, at first speaking to the man holding you, then turning to the man in the doorway, whom he called, Nor. Like, Norway?

"I told you I felt an Aura." He said, with a emotionless expression. By now you were close enough to see and hear these weirdos perfectly fine.

My gosh, how did you get wrapped up in all of this?


Thank you for reading Chapter one of my fanfiction. I'm going to love writing this one, Norway is my favorite country and favorite Hetalia character!

Translations are below, so you can see what you said earlier.

Sweden came after you in the woods, and Norway felt your Aura, are you magical? Read the next chapter (when I finally write it TT~TT) to find out what's going on! :0

Word count: 1006.

Mettimi giu adesso! Io non ti conosco nemmeno!(Italian)

"Put me down right now, I don't even know you" (English)

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