Chapter six

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You had decided that you had to apologize for your rude behavior towards the five guys who had only been trying to help you.

So Feli had helped you make cupcakes! You had put little flags of the countries Feli said they all liked on them. He said they all loved a country, there was Berwald who liked Sweden, Lucas with Norway, Tin with Finland, Emil with Iceland, and Mathias with Denmark. Ludwig got mad at Feli for telling you that information, but why? He only told you they liked certain countries.

Ignoring Feli's screams (they were all too common now) to Ludwig, you finished the cupcakes. You hoped these would be enough, after all, you had taken their stuff and run away. But you were bringing their stuff back too.

"Ok, I think they're done!" You yell, causing Feli to stop yelling and run over.

"Good Bella! They look great!" He said and tried to stick his finger in the icing of the Sweden one.

"Nuuuu! Not for you!" You swatted his hand away. You shooed him away and covered the plate up with a little dish thingy.

Ludwig had given you a little GPS thing to help you find their cabin and not get lost like last time. He would have gone with you but he and Feli had a meeting with someone named Kiku.

"I'm off then!" You said, grabbing the coat and shoes you had taken and went out the door of Ludwig and Feli's house. You walked where the GPS told you to go, and admired the snow on the ground. It had really snowed last night. But the path you walked on had been plowed clear. You were relieved for that.

After a bit of walking, you reached the cabin. You could have sworn it was farther away though...

Oh well.

You slowly walk up to the door and knock. You instantly regret everything because all the possible things that could go wrong flashed through your mind. They would probably be really mad and yell or something. But they might not.

The door opens and you jump a little. It was Berwald.

"U-uh hi Berwald! Sorry for r-running away last night, I saw something and it kinda freaked me out. Here, I brought back the stuff I borrowed and make you guys cupcakes. I-i'm really sorry again!" You said apologetically.

You hand him the dish and the other stuff, which he takes and he turns around and hands them to someone else who was behind the door as well apparently. But then as he opens the door more, you see all the guys at the door listening. You cringe internally.

"h-hi guys" You mumble.

"No need to be embarrassed or nervous, I know you saw me practicing magic, and it must have scared you a bit. I didn't lock the door, it was my fault. " Lucas states rather bluntly.

"It doesn't excuse my borrowing of your coats and shoes though." You say, head low.

"Well, you did the rational thing so you wouldn't die in the cold. It's fine, really (Y/N)!" Says Tino in a cheerful voice.

"Cupcakes" mumbles Matthias.

Lucas smacks him on the head.

Emil opens the dish and freezes.

"The flags, they all..." He says a little shakily.

"Oh ya! Feli told me that you all had favorite countries and I figured I would decorate them accordingly to make them a little more special." You say, taking some pride in your cupcake decorating skills.

They all breath a sigh of relief.

"That's nice, thank you. They look great." Says Berwald.

"I'll go and put them in the fridge for later!" Says Mathias, reaching for the plate.

"Nope, I'll do it, you'll just eat them all on the way." Says Lucas, promptly taking the plate from Emil and walking back into the house towards the kitchen.

"Awwww man" Whines Mathias.

"Well, I should get back to-" You start, but they realize, you don't know where you are in relation to your house. Where will you go?

Oh, wait, the GPS!

"To my house." You recover the sentence quickly.

"Ok, well be safe! Hope to see you again sometime!" Says Mathias.

"Do you have to go?" Says Tino.

"Ya, I really should be getting back, sorry again!" You say, starting on your way.

They wave and you turn to the forest.

You type in your address in the GPS and start walking.

What a great day!


Thank you for reading! I hope you like this chapter!

I acctualy live streamed me writing this chapter, so go check my channel out of you have some extra time please QwQ

It's called Norway Addict

See ya next time!! <3

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