-Chapter Eight-

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After telling Ludwig and Feli what happened, they looked at each other and sighed. Ludwig told you not to worry about it and that Ivan just got, carried away, sometimes. You thought carried away was a rather light word for him chasing you through the woods screaming nonsense, but you let it slide. Weird stuff had been happening ever since you left your house that one day. You were just about sick of it at this point.  But on the bright side, you had made at least two new friends, who were more than willing to help you through these tough times. You were still emotionally wracked by the death of your only family member, try as the event around you might to distract you. 

"Ah, you can stay here tonight Bella! It's dark and cold outside!" Feli says, without you even having to ask. You sigh in relief, not wanting to be a freeloader asking to stay at other's houses.

"As long as Ludwig's ok with it!" You smile, turning to the tall German. He smiles back and nods, and Feli makes this weird squeal noise and runs upstairs.

You stare at where he had run up the stairs, only to have a pillow thrown at your face from the top.

"oof-" you cry as you fall back onto the carpet.

Ludwig catches the pillow thrown at his face with a rather pissed face and chucks it back up the stairs, and you hear a squeak and some crashes. You peek at the scene and see Feli at the bottom of the stairs, face-first on the ground.

"Oof, that's rough." You chuckle at the antics of the two. 

"Bella!" Feli cries, and gets up, only to flop back down, sitting in a 'W' on his legs. He snatches the pillow that had knocked him down the stairs and throws it at you. You were ready this time and catch it.

"Nice try-" You laugh until Ludwig throws one at you from the side.

"Ah! No fair! Traitor!" You laugh and start throwing pillows left and right.

The pillow fight distracts your sad mind from the reality of your situation. Even if only for a while.


"Norge! What did you talk to (Y/N) about?!" Denmark pestered.

"How she was returning a knife and leaving." Norway flatly states. He's tired and has no time to deal with Den's once enduring noise.

"Aww, that's no fun! No secrets?" He grins at the stoic boy.


Denmark frowns and pouts. He stomps away like a little kid and grabs a cookie from the kitchen. He storms over to the couch and sits down to eat his treat. Nor just sighs. It's like being a single mother, even though he has the others. But Denmark seems to like to pester him more than them for some reason. 

Norway retreats to his room, pulling the sturdy door closed. He locks it, a new habit he has after a certain incident. He sits on his bed and closes his eyes. He feels the pin in his hair glow with a slight tinge of heat, and then he can hear his friends from the forest.

"How were things today?" A fairy asks him.

"I almost got stabbed by a girl." He chuckles.

"Heh, I knew that would happen sooner or later." A troll laughs.

"I'll ignore that remark." Nor retorts.

He continues to talk to his friends who live in the woods all around him. He's currently in his own country, so the reception is loud and clear. When he visits his brothers' countries, the connection gets a bit fuzzy.

"Ivan's out here you know." A fairy says a shiver can be heard in her voice.

"Really? What for, if you know." Nor inquires.

"He was chasing a girl, who was screaming and running, she had (h/c) hair and-"

"That's the girl that almost stabbed me." Nor states.

"Oh! Really? Well, I do wish that she had kept that knife, she could use it against that creepy Ivan!" The Troll says.

"He's just too enthusiastic is all." Nor says, shaking his head.

"For you maybe, but that girl is unaware that he is an ancient country. She probably just sees him as a creep." The fairy states.

"Oh, that's true." Nor admits.

Now that he thinks about it, (Y/N) could be in potential danger if she pisses Ivan off.

"I think I'll go look for her then." Nor says. He would hate to have a dead girl on his conscious.

"Smart move!" The troll cheers.

"Not what you think." Nor deadpans.

"Of course." All the creatures chime in sync.

Nor just shakes his head and disconnects.

He pulls on his warmest coat, seeing as it was now dark outside. It was a long walk to Feli and Ludwig's house, so he had a while to go.

He would just check to see if she made it ok, and help with his magic if she didn't.

He opened the door, Denmark to absorbed in his cookie to notice, and everyone else busy.

Fin was knitting, Ice was listening to music, and Sweden was fixing all the furniture that got broken when Ivan stormed in the house the other day. He took a glance at the cupcakes that sat on the counter. Most of them were gone, but he had yet to eat one. The flags put him off a bit, even if it was Feli and Ludwig who had told her their "favorite countries.". But he shoved his differences aside and grabbed one fro the walk.

"Here we go." He sighed.


Um so yeah I'm not dead


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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