Chapter three

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You sat in utter disbelief as you stared at the closed door. What just happened?! Is Russia going to kill someone? Like, the entire country of Russia? Was that Italian man in trouble with the Russian government or what?

You swiftly get up and try the door. Locked, of course. Now the kidnapping thing was a totally viable option. This could be a ruse to have gotten you into the room and locked in. But Berwald said sorry about all of this? Why?

Now, properly confused, you listen intensely to any little bits of info you could get from downstairs.  You heard a door slam, presumably the front door, and then a big crash, like it had been knocked down!

What the heck was going on down there?!

You hear a scream and frantic footsteps coming up the stairs as the five people whom you are staying with? Being held captive by? Whatever the situation, they were all yelling and trying to stop whoever was presumably chasing the person running up the stairs. The person ran right in front of the door and smacked on it, startling you. They yelled for you to open it.

"SOMEONE OPEN THE DOOR RUSSIA IS GOING TO END ME!!!!!!!" A distinctly Italian voice screamed from the other side of the door.

"I- I can't! it's locked! What's going on?!" You yell back through the door.

"OH NO NO NO! BACK UP BELLA!" The man yells, and taking his advice, you back the heck up.

With a loud boom, the door crashes to the floor and a figure scurries in with seemingly inhuman speed. The figure hides behind you and cowers in fear. This must be the Italian man you heard through the door, yelling about....

You stare up at the man in the doorway. A big, big, man.

A big



You crack a smile and wave, despite the situation. Some might find him scary since he had a sort of murderous look in his eyes, but he was so, you couldn't even explain. He just looked so huggable.

But you had to admit, he did have a sort of aura about him that suggested violence and murderous intent. You decide to clear up the air since no one was moving and the five guys downstairs were frozen in place, in fear, or respect, you couln't tell the difference.

"Heyyyyyy! Um, what's your name?" You say, sounding slightly awkward.

The man stares at you, and suddenly his dark aura goes away and he walks over to you. He starts to pull your face in a childlike manner and giggle.

"You're not scared?" He laughs, with a scary tone.

You manage a response through the cheek pulling.

"Not really! You seem like a nice guy." You say, attempting to cease the strenuous pulling to your face. It would wrinkle if he kept this up.

He stopped and smiles. The man behind you was still shaking slightly, but not as bad as before.

"Feliciano, come on over here! I want to hit you!" He said. A bit, too happy like.

You stepped in front of the man, Feliciano.

"What did he do, if you mind me asking," You said, receiving a brave little spurt of confidence. 

"I kinda may have sort of ate all his food at the conference last time and got away and now he's all mad at me and wants to hit me with his pipe!" Squeaked Feli. You decided to call him Feli, in your head of course, because you thought it was cute, like his personality.

 You look back and forth between the both of them.

"The heck, what are you two, children?" You snort in amusement.

The Russian man didn't seem very happy about that comment but said nothing.

After a long while of talking and holding back the Russian man, who had introduced himself as Ivan, you and the five guys had worked things out between Ivan and Feli. You sighed, as you saw the two leave the house. You still had no clue why they could leave, and yet you couldn't, or what was really going on, and why everyone was referring to each other by country names, but you didn't really think you wanted to know right now anyway. You picked the blanket back up off the floor of the room, which's door was now blown off, and made your way back down to the couch.

You weren't dead yet, even after all of that, so what could kill you right?

The guys just kinda stared at you for a bit, much like when you first arrived.

"Wow (Y/N)! I had no idea you were such a good peacemaker! Normally no one can make Rus- I mean Ivan, chill out like that, and that fast." Said Mathias.

Fast? It had been like an hour. That guy must be a real handful when he was ticked off.

"Uh, ya. Sure." You mutter, wrapping yourself in the blanket again. Talk about Dejavu. You looked out a nearby window at the storm that was now getting worse.

"Will they be alright out there?" You ask.

"Where ever Feliciano is, Ger- I mean Ludwig is close behind. He'll be fine! And as for Ivan, well, he's used to the cold." Said Mathias, slipping up on the new man's name. You assumed this Ludwig was a good friend of Feli's. You could have sworn you that Mathias was going to call Ludwig Germany, and you narrowed your eyes.

Lucas seemed to pick up on your suspicions and smacked Mathias.

So, now what.


Thank you for reading this chapter! Comment your thoughts on it, and any mistakes i may have missed in my editing process! Thank you!!!! <3


Word Count- 932.

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