Not Clickbait

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Benjamin sighed as he read the comments on his last video. He was doing everything he could to escape Bro Strider, but nothing seemed to be working. He'd even tried getting ordained to distract his viewers from the cursed fandom, but people were still demanding Homestuck videos. He continued to scroll through the comments.

homestuck amirite xddd

upload more homestuck vids or i'm unsubbing uwu

Just when he was about to give up hope and crawl under his covers to cry, he found a different comment from someone named Steven Black:

lmao ben u should play this cool new game it's called mistake MESSenger

He gasped. Perhaps there was hope after all!

But little did he know what he was about to get himself into...


Ben turned on his camera and began to speak. "Welcome back to Benjaminutes, my name's Ben and let's chat for a minute. So everybody knows, to make it big on YouTube, you have to play games..."

After a little while, he'd downloaded the game and created an account with the name Xx_HotSweaty69_xX. He'd tried to add a sexy profile picture but the damn game wouldn't let him. It was probably for the best though, since he didn't want to break the hearts of the characters too badly.

He proceeded to start the game, but he seemed to be getting hacked!! Suddenly he was in a conversation with someone named "Unknown".

In short, Unknown wanted him to travel to Korea and return a missing phone as a good deed. He ended up breaking into someone's apartment. From there, he was put into a chatroom filled with pretty boys!!! They were all very pretty...

But there was one boy that especially caught his eye. He had a beautiful coke-white rat tail and sparkly period-blood-red eyes. He said his name was Zen, and he was a musical actor.

When the video was released, it was an instant success. It gained many more likes than his typical content and earned him many new subscribers. Everyone demanded more, so he delivered.

The second video he posted attracted more viewers and the comment section was filled with a new word: Zenben.

Of course, he lied to the camera in the third video, saying he felt nothing for this anime boy whatsoever, and that the viewers were sick for shipping him and Zen. But his heart said otherwise...

He knew he needed to meet this albino beauty. Even if it was the last thing he ever did.

Love Across the Fourth Wall | Zenben [Benjaminutes/Mystic Messenger]Where stories live. Discover now