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Button tightly strapped Ben to a table. Zen was by Ben's side, gripping his hand. Button held a syringe in his paw, letting it hover over Ben's arm before plunging it in.

Ben screamed in agony, and his vision went black.


When Ben awoke, he was lying in Zen's bed.

"My love!" said Zen excitedly upon seeing Ben open his eyes.

"What... what happened?" Ben asked groggily.

"Our Lord and Savior Button made a clone of you and sent him to the real world to be your replacement!" explained Zen in excitement.

"You can just call him Button, you kno--"

"No, Ben," interrupted Button, "I rather like being called your Lord and Savior."

"I mean, whatever floats your boat."

And then the Benjaminutes outro theme started playing and they lived happily ever after.

The End.

Love Across the Fourth Wall | Zenben [Benjaminutes/Mystic Messenger]Where stories live. Discover now