Our Lord and Savior Button

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"Button? What do you mean??" asked Ben.

"You are a fool," replied the cat. "Did you really think it was that idiot Carl Azuz that brought this blessing upon you? All that old pleb can do is tell belated news to preteen humans. It was I, your Lord and Savior Button that brought you to your Zenny."

"Why are you telling me all this?" Ben tried to process everything his cat had just said.

"Because the albino has something to ask of you," replied Button as Zen came walking through the door nervously.

"Ben... I've known you for a whole month now and I think I'm finally ready to ask this question..."

"Yes..?" Prompted Ben gently, tears welling in his eyes as he anticipated the question.

"Do u kno da wae?"

"The fuck did you just ask?"

"I'm kidding, babe. Will you marry me?"

Ben dramatically let the tears fall from his eyes. "Oh Zenpai... I can't."

Zen gasped and fell to his knees in devastation. "But Ben... I thought our love would thrive against the odds! Don't you want to spend the rest of your life here with me? Don't you... love me?"

A tear slipped down Ben's cheek. "Of course I do. But what would my viewers in the real world think if I just disappeared?"

"Who  cares what they think?" Zen said.

Ben sighed. "I can't just leave, Zenny..."

The tension was so thick you could cut it with a zillium weapon.

"Wait," Button said, breaking the silence. "I may have a solution."

"You do?" Ben asked his pet, eyes glistening with hope.

"Yes..." Button paused. "But I must warn you: it is a very painful process. Are you sure you wish to do this?"

Zen took Ben's hand in his own and squeezed it. Ben inhaled deeply and nodded. "I'll do whatever it takes."

A/N: I actually was never in the Homestuck fandom. I had to do research. Now the government thinks I'm a heathen. Sorry @government.

Love Across the Fourth Wall | Zenben [Benjaminutes/Mystic Messenger]Where stories live. Discover now