Three - California?

110 3 4

I look at my phone. 6:38. Shoving my phone back in my pocket, I walk back home, not knowing what else to do. As I walk my way back home, I can't help but think about Cameron Evans. That couldn't be him. Cameron Evans is a player who hurts girls' feelings for a living. That's his thing. Not playing with little girls and lifting them up. Maybe he has a twin brother that's homeschooled or something. The thought takes over my mind and before I know it, I'm standing in front of my house. 

Shaking the thought out, I jog up the concrete steps and open the front door, going directly to my room. I take out Looking For Alaska and continue reading, noticing I'm already on the last chapter. I quickly finish the book and close it. I place the book on my shelf of finished books and take City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare on my pile of books that haven't been read yet. The door opens and mom comes in.

"Dinner's ready," she says.

I didn't even finish the first chapter! Sighing, I place the book on my bed and walk downstairs. 

"You look like you're in deep thought," Mom says. 

"Yeah," I reply, barely audible.  

"You can talk to me about it if you want,"

"No!" I say almost immediately.

She gives me a weird look.

"Um. It's not a big deal," 

We continue to eat in silence, and when I finish. I put my dish in the sink and quickly go back to my room. 

The sunlight peeks through my window, waking me up. I check my phone to see what time it is. 6:52. Groaning, I look around my bed and see my book on at my feet, opened at a random page. I guess I fell asleep reading. I grab my book and find my page, taking my bookmark from my bedisde table, placing it in the book. I get up and go to the bathroom. After showering, I dry myself and change my clothes in my room. When I go downstairs, mom is placing brekfast on the table. She looks at me with a disapproving look.

"What?" I ask.

"You always wear jeans. Wear a dress! Come on, honey. Just for today," she says.

Groaning, I go back up the stairs and find a dress. After rummaging through my closet as quickly as possible, I find a blue lace fit flare dress, which I don't even remember buying. I put it on and look at myself in the mirror. Okay, I guess I look quite good, but this isn't something anybody would expect 'the book nerd' to wear. I jog down the stairs, and this time, Mom gives me an approving look.

"You look great," she smiles.


I start eating quickly, hoping I won't get late. This whole dress thing got me delayed. After eating, I take my backpack from Chris's seat and put it on. I give my mom a kiss on the cheek and run to the bus that just arrived. How did I run so fast? I ask myself. i look down and notice that I'm wearing Converse. Well I forgot to wear something that matches this dress, not that it matters. Some of the students are looking at me, not familiar with 'the book nerd' wearing a dress. 

I go to the back of the bus as usual. When the bus arrives at the school, I stay seated until everybody leaves. I stand up and walk out of the bus. As I walk inside the school building, I head to my locker and put some of my books inside and pull some out. When I close my locker, I see Megan and Kimberly walking over to me. I lean on my locker and wait for them. 

"Nice dress," Megan compliments.

"Thanks," I reply.

"Cameron isn't here yet, so we've got time to change you. Did you bring the curling iron and blush? You forgot the lipgloss at my place, so it's with me right now," Kimberly says.

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