Five - Talking To The Target

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Within one hour, we've already lost 40% of the money in our wallets, and our arms are practically hangers for our shopping bags. Basically, we went on a shop raid, and let me say, I think I've become high from all of these clothes and accessories. We've been throwing clothes around because we couldn't find the 'perfect' ones, leading us to be kicked out of a whole lot of stores. We're probably gonna need to use our new clothes as disguises and pretend to be someone else just to go back inside those shops. 

But other than losing money and getting kicked out of stores, I have had the best time of my life! 

Now, we're at the food court, eating. This is included in the 40% loss of money, but who cares? As I twist my fork around to get some spaghetti, Megan and Kimberly are giving me more advice on being popular, along with Cameron Evans facts. The girls are telling me 'facts' about him, but I know some of them are not true. Like for example: Fact #17: Cameron never respects his little sister. Yeah. Sure he doesn't. 

When we finish eating our food, we head back to the parking lot with shopping bags hanging on our arms. Kimberly attemps to get the car keys out of her pocket, but they just fall out. 

"Ugh," she groans and bends down. 

And when she does, two of the shopping bags on her right arm fall off. She groans again and picks up the keys first. Kimberly presses a button, and the car doors are unlocked. Then, she takes the bags from the ground. I take shotgun, and Megan sits at the back. Even if this was a convertable, we don't feel like jumping over the car doors. 

"Hey, Stel," Megan says as the car roars to life.

"What?" I ask.

"What's in that bag?" she points to one of my bags. 

"Oh. I got four new books," I smile as I take them out. "This is Paper Towns by John Green. Heard it was really good. This is The Maze Runner. The movie's coming out soon so why not read it? Then this is-"

"Yeah, okay, whatever. Fact #11, remember? Cameron hates books. Never show them to him," Megan reminds.

"Yeah," I whisper and put the books back into my shopping bag.

"So where to?" Megan asks.

"Sleepover at my place?" Kimberly suggests.

"Totally!" Megan says as I smile at the idea.

Usually as an antisocial bookworm, I don't have any friends or a love life. But as a popular, celebrity-known girl, I've gotten myself tons of friends and two close ones by my side. The only problem is those two close friends are only my friends to change me, and those other tons are friends who only like me for popularity. So I guess now that I think about it, those friends of mine aren't really friends, leading me back to no friends at all. Since when did my life become so weird and complicated? 

Kimberly's car parks at her house's driveway, and we step off the car. We hold onto our shopping bags and walk inside the house. Kimberly's mom waves hello, and we all do the same as we go up the stairs. We walk inside Kimberly's bedroom, and she closes the door. 

"I've got tanktops and shorts here that I'm sure would fit you two," Kimberly says as she opens her closet door.

"What for?" I ask.

"For sleeping, duh," Kimberly replies as she takes out two tanktops and two pairs of shorts. 

She hands me a tanktop and a pair of shorts and does the same with Megan. I go to the bathroom and change. When I walk out, Megan walks inside the bathroom to change too. I sit next to Kimberly on the floor. She's on Facebook looking at Cameron Evans's timeline. 

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