Six - Prince Charming is Here

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I'm walking down the hall with Kimberly and Megan, and let me just say. This whole "Popular Girl" phase of mine is hella rad. I'm finally being noticed by other students! No one ever looks at me for more than five seconds besides my mom and my teacher. It's crazy! 

I flash a smile as we walk. Kimberly is in the middle, Megan is on her left, and I'm on her right. The feeling is starting to become natural, almost as natural as breathing. In a few minutes, we separate and go to our own classes. I walk down the hall to my classroom while recieving some greets, smiles, and waves. 

When I get to my classroom, I instantly notice Cameron. His elbow is rested on the back of his chair as he smiles while listening to his friend talk. His little group laughs at what that boy says, and one of them nudges Cameron and points at me. Cameron stops laughing and looks at me. Our eyes lock for a moment, then I look away. I look around and try to find a seat and realize...that there's only one seat left available. Next to Cameron and his group. His eyes glance at the seat next to him then back at me. I sigh and walk over to the seat. 

I put my bag down on my lap and take out the book I need for class, along with my notebook. As I reach in to find my pen, I realize Cameron's staring at me. I sit up and look at him.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"No," is all he says. 

I give him a nod and go back to finding my pen. When I realize that I've forgotten my pen, I curse under my breath. I sit up again and sigh as I touch my hair to fix it. Then I notice Cameron staring at me again. So I look at him. Again.

"What?" I ask.

He reaches inside his pocket and takes out a black pen. He hands it to me as he just stares at me. I attempt to take the pen from his hand, but he keeps a tight grip on it. I give him a look.

"Want the pen?" he asks.

"No, I want the Tardis that's hiding in your garage," I reply sarcastically. "Of course I want the pen!" 

"Go on a date with me, then you can keep the pen," 

"You're asking me out. Through a stick with black ink inside, made for writing. Are you serious?" 



"No pen for you. I mean, it's not like we're having a test today," Cameron points at the white board where a sentence is written that says TEST ON AUGUST 15. "You didn't...foreget...did you?"

"You son of a bitch," I mumble. 

"Oh, why the bad words?" he mocks. "Just say yes and you get the pen. Simple as that."

I pull the pen out of his grip and say, "Tomorrow afternoon. Pick me up at 3. Ask Kimberly for my address because I don't feel like telling you where I live while your posse is behind you." 

Cameron smiles and takes out another pen for himself, and I put my bag down on the floor as the test begins. 

- - -

"YOU'RE GOING ON A DATE WITH CAMERON?!" Kimberly's shriek makes me want to cover my ears. "YES!"

I'm at her house again in her room. I told her and Megan about the date, and this is the reaction. Megan is flipping through pages of the Cameron Evans Facts book, looking for whatever she's looking for. Kimberly is running to her closet door, rummaging through her clothes. Then she stops and runs over to me.

"You've got nothing to wear," she says. 

"Well that's from your closet. I've got a closet in my house too," I say, stating the obvious. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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