Four - Virgins and Stares

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Almost everyone gets off their seats and runs over to the table and crowd around it. Most of them are actually kind enough to give me some space, but there are some who are literally in front of my face, just asking as many questions as there are many countries. 

Brunette Girl 1: Omigod! So do you like help Taylor write some songs?

Brunette Girl 2: Does Justin hang out with you and Sel? You know, only when they're dating, that is. 

Blonde Girl 1: Do you really know Demi Lovato?

Brunette Girl 2: Can you sing as awesome as Demi and Selena?

Blonde Girl 2: Does Taylor give guitar lessons?

Brunette Girl 1: How many celebrities have you met? Can you name them?

Blonde Girl 2: I bet you've had tons of boyfriends, right? 

Brunette Girl 2: Are you a virgin?

And that's when I burst. 


Pretty sure that was me screaming. Yeah, it was me. Because everyone stops talking and stares at me. But I can't get all angry and scold them! Cameron is at the other popular table for boys, and he's also staring at me. If he sees me have a rage, he'd never fall for me. I've gotta keep my act together. This is for Megan and Kimberly. I stand on my seat and look at the students around me.

"Look. I know you guys think I'm some celebrity, but I'm not. Have you seen me in any pop culture gossip news videos? No. Pretty sure, you haven't." Deep breath. "Yes. I help Taylor write songs, only when she needs a rhyme or tune or whatever. Yes, Justin does hang out with Sel and me, only when they're dating. I know Demi. We text sometimes, but we never bothered calling. Who said we're that close? I don't think I can sing as awesome as Demi and Selena. No, sorry, Taylor does not give guitar lessons. I haven't met a lot of celebrities because I've managed to stay 'under the radar' for years, I'm planning on keeping it that way. Uh...I've had boyfriends, but not tons." 

I look at Brunette Girl 2, and I'm about to totall humiliated to actually say this, but I'm gonna have to. I can't say I'm not. I mean, why would I? I'm so gonna regret this.

"Yes. Yes, I'm a virgin," I say. 

The boys make an 'Ohhhh' sound with their hands moving around. Some of them are making those 'Woo woo woo' sounds repetitively. Maybe it's supposed to me a dog bark? I don't get boys. I look at Cameron Evans, and he's just staring at me with his fingers bent down, his elbow on the table, and his arm facing the ceiling. His eyes are meeting mine, and I can't tell what he's feeling because his face is so emotionless. I look away and get back on the ground. 

The bell rings, and everyone that surrounded the table walks away. The popular girls and the boyfriends stand up and walk out of the cafeteria. I pretend to fix my hair while smiling at some people when they smile at me. Once it looks like everyone's gone, I walk over to Megan and Kimberly. 

I smack Megan's head like what Kimberly did earlier. 

"What that freaking hell was that, Megan?!" I say. 

"What? I was just trying to make you more popular. Would you really get Cameron's attention if I didn't help you?" Megan defends. 

"Help me, I- wait you saw that?" I ask.

Megan and Kimberly nod their heads with smiles on their faces. 

"He was totally checking you out!" Kimberly shrieks. "This plan is going great! And saying you're a virgin was totally an awesome idea to really get his attention. Clever girl!" 

"But I am a virgin," I reply.

"Duh. But saying it was a good idea," Megan chuckles. 

"My place after class!" Kimberly says as she waves goodbye with Megan right next to her. 

I sigh as I look at the opened double doors that lead in and out of the cafeteria. I grab my backpack and walk out of the cafeteria, heading to my class. 

The bell rings, indicating the end of class. I walk out of the science lab, being followed by at least three students. A whole lot of people had asked me to be their lab partners, but I had to keep telling them I'm working alone. And I still have to keep reminding them. These girls around me are making offers like some salesman. 

"I can do all the work, and I'll give you credit!" 

"My cousin can do it for us, We won't have to do any work!"

"I promise you, I can give you a really, really, really, really, really good grade!" 

Suddenly, my phone rings, and I check the Caller ID. It's Kimberly. I sigh in relief for an excuse to talk to someone else. 

"Estelle! We're at your locker. Meet us?" she asks.

"IS THAT TAYLOR?!" one of the girls shriek, and now everyone is looking at me. 

I can't say it's Kimberly! I have to be more popular than I already am. It's the plan. So I make a hand signal, pointing to my phone several times, and that quiets everyone down. 

"Mhm. Yeah. You'll be coming over? But you must be busy, cous! You're already at my house? Okay. I'll meet you there. Class just ended. Kay. Love you too. Bye," I say. 

While I was saying that, Kimberly was going all "Estella, wha-. Uh-hello. Hey um-." and then I hung up on her. 

"Taylor's at my place so...gotta run!" 

I quickly run out of the hallway and go to my locker. I'm running so fast, people are starting to blur. And that's when I hit on something incredibly hard.

"Gah!" I shriek. 

Suddenly, a pair of arms catch me, and I'm looking into the most beautiful blue eyes ever. But...nah. I'm not gonna turn this into some corny romance movie and stare into his eyes while he stares at mine. Then he goes and be like  'I am in love with you' or 'I hope we meet again, beautiful'. ot whatever. I takes his arms off me, and I'm standing normally now. I just smile and simply walk away. 

"Wait," he says, and that's when I realize, everyone's staring at us. 

I turn around and give him a sweet smile. 

"Yeah?" I ask.

"You look...familiar," he says.

My heart is thumping. The butterflies are flying around. My knees are going weak. He knows me. From that day when he was playing with that little girl. His sister maybe. 

"Well you saw me in the cafeteria right?" I reply.

"Yeah, but now that I get a closer look..." he's thinking. He's thinking hard. "You look so much like that girl. That girl with the gla-"


For a moment, I'm extremely happy to see these girls. Kimberly takes my arm and drags me away from the crowd. When we're finally alone, we quickly run to the doors and make it to the parking lot. 

"Forget my place. You need to relax. You've had a crazy day, so let's go shopping to throw that stress into the trash." Kimberly says as we get into her convertable. 

I take the back seat, while Megan takes shotgun. Okay, maybe some shopping will do the trick. I lean my back and groan, closing my eyes. 

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