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A few days later I'm on Jack's bed bored out of my mind.

He's out on a date with that chick and I can't help but feel sad. I decide to look around, see what I can find.

I look around jacks room and I just see his video game toys. I walk out into the hall and walk into his bathroom and see some... Um...  What was it called... makeup, which I saw had wiishus name on it.

I decide to go online and see what gnu do with it. Maybe I'll give myself a bit of a make over. After following the instructions I look at myself, realising I look a whole lot different.

Suddenly I hear jack behind me.

"Looks like fun, can I join." He giggles.

I hide my face embarrassed and he whines.

"oh come on, I wanna see how you did." jack says. I feel his hand on my shoulder.

I spin around slowly at to jack and he looks at me.

"wow." he breathes, a smile creeping up on his face.

He kneels down to me and cocks his head a little. I glance at him and he smiles cheerfully and I can't help but smile.

He walks to where the makeup was spreaded out. He notices wiishus name on them and he smiles.

"You trying to look like her so I'd fall in love with you." jack says smirking looking at me sideways.

"what!? No! I was just um." I say quickly,  going red.

"woah chill." jack laughs. "I was only joking."

I look down. I guess he was right. I get up silently and walk to the bathroom and watch it off. I look up and I feel stupid. I miss home, I miss everything.

I notice tears falling, and I'm gently sobbing. I turn around and gently lean against the wall, sliding down and burying my knees into my chest. I start sobbing properly and jack comes in alarmed.

"hey hey hey." he soothes, sitting down beside me.

I start shaking my head.

"I can't do it." I sob. "I can't,  I can't."

Jack moves closer to me and pulls me in. I embrace him in a hug and I sob against his chest.

"shhhh, I'll help you. I promise." I hear jacks sad voice quietly say.

We stay there for a good 20 minutes till I raise my head up.

I look at jack and I see he's asleep.

I don't know how he's asleep but in a way it cheers me up, he's cute.

I then feel myself doing something stupid. I start leaning into his lips. I slowly move closed until I stop just inches away.

I move away and sigh.

Waking him up, he checks if I'm OK now.

Time skip

I get changed into my pjs and I wait for Jack to get to bed so I wasnt alone.

He shortly comes in and smirks at me. He turns off the light.

"Your cute." he chirps, taking his shirt off which I look away at so my cheeks don't burn to death.

I lay down and get comfy, facing jacks side. He lays down and faces me.  He gives me a goofy grin and I smirk a little.

He's face turns serious and he brushes a strain of hair out of my eyes. I blush a little but I dared not to move. My breath froze and I stop moving all together.

Jack suddenly moves closer to me and leans in, looking at my lips. I didn't move and tried to take in what was happening. He was going go kiss me.

Then he stopped.

He booped my nose. "Goodnight." he says, turning over and acting like nothing just happened.

I lay there silently. Tryibg to process what happened. I look around. Then i turn over.

"night." I whisper.

I fall asleep not realising that jack had turned his head and looked sadly over to me. He turns, reaching out his hand to touch my shoulder.

But he stops again. He closes his eyes and sighs.

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