Chapter 27

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"Are you feeling any better?" Amiyah asked as she handed me some crackers.

The past few days I had felt like shit, and couldn't hold any food down. I assumed it was because I was just stressed but I also thought there could be a deeper meaning.

"No." I sighed as I opened the pack of crackers. "Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course."

"I could be pregnant."

"What?! You think so?"

"Yeah....Abel and I didn't use a condom when we had sex..."

"So, that means the baby could be his or Bobby's..."

"No, no, I know it's not Bobby's. Him and I haven't had sex since my birthday which was three months ago."

"Some women don't show symptoms until they're around three months."

"I don't want Bobby to be the father of my child, I'd-

"Okay, okay. Before you start freaking out, how bout you take a pregnancy test?" She got up and grabbed her purse than pulled out two pregnancy test. "Pick one."

"Wait, you just walk around with pregnancy tests in your purse?"

She shrugged. "You never know when you might need one."

I laughed and grabbed one from her hand. "I'll be back."

I went to the bathroom to take the test then waited out the five minutes before taking it out to Amiyah.

"I want you to tell me what it says."

She took it from me then took the cover off to read it.

"It's negative!"

I let out a sigh of relief as I plopped down on my bed. "Good."

"Princess?" She asked as she sit on the edge of my bed. "Have you talked to Abel lately?"

"No, I really want to but I'm scared about what he might say or if he'll even answer me."



"Just wondering." She shrugged. "If you could, would you want to see him again?"

"Of course. I love him...I always have."

I got up, went to my closet and pulled out a black ben.

"What's that?"

"It's my Abel ben."

I opened it then sat in the floor and started to pull out what was inside. I had shirts and hoodies that I stole from him, a few stuffed animals he had given me, the copy of kiss land he signed when we first met and a blanket that we always shared when I went on tour with him.

"After him and I broke up, I was really mad at him and wanted to get rid of a bunch of this stuff but I just couldn't. So I threw everything in here and put it in storage."

"Did Bobby know?"

"No. He would have burned it if he did." I smiled as I pulled out a photo album that had "The adventures of Princess and Abel" on the front of it. "He gave me this on my twentieth birthday."

Abel's Princess (The Weeknd + Normani Kordei)Where stories live. Discover now