Chapter 2

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The lunch room at NorthView High was like any other schools loud and busy, everyone had their tables the football team had their table that they shared with the cheerleaders, the baseball team had their table, the soccer team had their table, the nerds and geeks even had their own table. But Jack he didn't sit at any of these tables instead he sat at a little table that only had 4 chairs in the left corner of the cafeteria. He sat with his friends and he only had two he didn't become friends with just anyone he made sure that they were people that he could trust. Their names were Alex and David they have all been friends since 6th grade they were always their friends with each other.
Jack POV
"Yo Jack!"
"Hey Alex" I said in a monotone. Alex was one of my two best friends he's around 5'10 and has these amazing blue eyes that go well with his blonde hair.
"How has your day been so far Jack?"
"I guess it's been ok, how about you?"
"Its been pretty great but I haven't seen Blake since 2nd period do you have any idea where he could be?" Alex asked worriedly while he took a bite out of his turkey sand which. Blake was the other friend in our tiny little group he's 5'4 with brown hair he really doesn't look like he's a junior in high school he actually looks like he is a 12 year old.
"Now that you mention I haven't seen him at all. I wonder where he could be?"
"Yeah it's strange it's not like him to skip without a reason I'm going to see if I can find him" Alex said starting to stand up.
"I'm coming with you then Blake is way more important than this shitty food" I said throwing down the sandwich I was eating to stand up. Then I notice Alex's face looked complete shocked like he just witnessed murder.
"What's wrong Alex?" All he does is point his hand behind me signaling me to turn around so I do and what I saw I couldn't believe what I saw it was Blake. His face it looked terrible both his eye were almost swollen shut his whole face looked bruised and he also had bandaids to conceal some wounds that were bleeding although they didn't do a good job because I could still se some blood dripping down from his cheeks. His once near perfectly place brown was now ruffled up with pieces sticking up.
"Hey guys" was all head said as he tilted his head to the left and gave us a faint smile.
"W-what happened to you Blake?" I asked still shocked about what I'm seeing. Blake doesn't have any enemies everyone likes him it just makes no sense.
He said "I ran into a pole."
Well damn that must of been a big ass pole if it did that to you." Alex said asked adding a little chuckle at the end which made us all laugh for second.
"But in seriousness who did this to you?" I asked
"I don't think I should tell you it could make things worse between him and I"
"Hey it's alright we can protect you from him if you just tell us who it is, please tell us." Alex pleaded to Blake
"We will always have your back Blake no matter who it is." I said trying encourage him some more to tell us. He looked down at the ground for a little bit then he said "It was... Jax Nelson" Blake was still looking down. They both knew I hated Jax Nelson with burning passion!
"Hey calm down Jack it's alright we can handle this later let's just sit down and eat some food, Blake needs eat something so he can recover faster." Alex said trying to calm down Jack.
"He's not even here anyway he's having a meeting with his Coach.
"How do you know this Blake? Jack questioned him
"I overheard them talking about it while I was laying on the floor."
"Alright I guess this can wait for later. I'll go get you some food just sit down, alright Blake?"
"Thanks slot Jack you're a gold friend!" Blake said with a big bright smile.
"It's my pleasure to help.

Jax's P.O.V
"You know this a very important year for you son." Coach Nelson said
"Yes I know dad you've told be this so many times already" I said to him while leaning back in my chair.
"Then why don't you listen Jax! And don't call me dad at school you will address me a Coach here you got?"
"You have a lot of colleges looking at you right you know that right?"
"Yes I know that coach." I said getting agitated
"The why do you keep on getting fights? You can't keep getting suspended if you expect to go to a good college to play football and get a good education"
"Alright I'll try my best to stay out of trouble."
"Thanks Jax it means a lot. By the way you should get going lunch it about over"
"Ok thanks for the talk coach" I said walking out.

Jack's P.O.V
We were talking out in the hallways we always do this when we finish lunch early.
"So yeah I crashed my car into the side of my house" Alex said leaning against the wall.
"How the hell do you do that?" I questioned him
"Seriously how" Asked Blake
"So I was driving from my cousins house which is hours away from here. So by the time I left it was already midnight so by the time I got home I really wasn't paying attention and I ACCIDENTALLY crashed my car into the house." Alex said still leaning on the wall trying to act cool
"You're so stupid why would even try to drive home that late?" Blake asked
"Well I wanted to get home and I honestly didn't feel like staying another night at my cousins house."
"Well you should of you idiot." I said
Then I caught a glimpse of someone walking pass me to get to their locker and it was none other Mr. Dickhead Jax himself. I began to clench my fist in rage it felt like if I squeezed my fist any tighter I would break my fingers. Acting on my anger I started walking towards him. Blake saw what I was doing and tried to stop me by saying
"Please stop not right now." But I didn't listen to him this time I was way too pissed off right now. The person that hurt my friend is near me of course I would want to hurt him back. So once I got close to him I slammed him into the locker and pinned him there with my forearm on his neck
"Oh its you Jack" he said in such a calm voice even though he pinned against the wall.
"Shut up!" I barked at him
"So how's life off the football team" He asked trying to push my buttons
"This isn't about that!"
"Then what is it about" he asks so cluelessly
"You hurt my friend you idiot!" I yelled while I punched the locker near his face.
"Oh so that little kid was your friend?" He asked laughing hysterically. And this really pissed me off even more.
"It's not funny" I said grinding my teeth together as I punch him hard hard in the gut I heard him gasp a little from it.
"It kind of is" Jax said still laughing even though I just punched him hard in the gut.
"That it's no more talking it's for me to beat your" but before I could finish it somehow knocked me down floor.
"Now it's my turn" he said with an evil grin as he picked me up and threw me against the lockers.

Alright that's it for second chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed! It probably got sloppy at the end and that's because it is 1:24 where I live when I wrote this and I'm pretty tired! This was chapter was 1,329 words. And I promise that Jax and Jack will fall in love I already have this story planned out!

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