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Daniel point of view:
I wake up feeling well rested, something is wrong.....

I wondered what time it was so I checked.
"Shit" I didn't have time to do anything so I got anything and just put it on.
I ran downstairs looking for something quick,I found some eggos on the table so I grabbed them and ran.
I ran without closing the door behind me and in the distance I heard Anna from inside say "what the heck Dan!"
So I just yelled "MY BAD".

I rode my skateboard to school.Letting the morning fresh air wake me up.

At the entrance a few guys I hang out with me greet me with their girlfriends. Weird how  they make me feel comfortable.I feel like I'm just a loner without these guys.

"Hey Dan" it was my friend Tanner he's a tall blonde guy."hey Tanner".
"How about we ditch school for a bit and let's go get use some cigars"Tanner said while looking at the other guys who agree in a nod.
"Guys I told you I'm not gonna do that anymore" i tried responding in a serious voice but ended up saying it in a laughing voice.
As I turned to leave a pair of lips slam onto mine, in an instant I knew it was Emory.
And for a moment I thought "no, I can be a better person and move on with the right girl" but when I thought about the right girl I had y/n on my mind.But she was like a maze  that hasn't been solved, she's hard to understand, mabye because she isn't easy like other girls.She actually needs to be fought for or proven that she's not being used.
But how can I be the right guy when I'm not?

I just went with the kiss when I just wanted to turn away so badly.
"What are you doing?"I asked Emory trying to pull her away but she came back like a magnet.
"Well I just wanted to say we don't need time off! Maybe we can push the resume button again?". You look at your "friends" for their opinion.

I thought to myself, if I can stop being a puppet or fake my life, if this is what it takes to prove to y/n that I'm not a player then ill give it a shot to break down the walls to get to her.

"No"I said without looking back and walked into the building, I felt a smirk make it's way on my face.I finally did it.

Speak for myself.

With one word.


I made my way to first period where there she was my angel, y/n.
But she wasn't mine it hurts of the thought of it.So I went on with the rest of the day, luckly I got to get a glance of her either in the hall or in class, even if it was the back of her head.I still smiled.

At the end of the day I went off to skate home with Tanner but then you saw y/n and it looked like she was waiting for someone,you smiled because you thought to yourself "just in a few days my girly already has friends". Then reality hit you with a bat.

She's not my girly.

What if she's waiting for a guy?

My smile slowly fades at the thought of it.Right before I had enough negativity for one day,
Emory pops up in front of me.

"Hi baby!"

"Don't call me tha--"

"I know, I know you don't wanna take another go but can we still be friends?".

She smiled then did a quick pout as she gave a little giggle.This was one of the things that I used to like about Emory but she's changed,much like everyone else.

"Sure why not"I said.

She said "yay thanks Dan"as she left.

"You guys together now?"it was Tanner.

"No,just friends"

When Emory left I got a good glimpse of y/n and I really wanted to know who she was waiting for. But then we made eye contact and I looked away and left with Tanner. Riding my skateboard is one of the best things I like to do see, when I was a kid I hated how my brothers told me "aww baby Danny can't ride!" But later on he taught me and said. "Never let your dreams slip away because once there outta view you'll feel regret untill you get on that board and Chase after em".

Right then I knew I couldn't just let my dream slip away.
"Yo Tanner I gotta go back I left,uh some stuff" I said waving to Tanner.
What? I'm chasing a dream.

Skater Boy•Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now